Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

Synchronising The Hemispheres: Here's Your Action Plan

We’ve talked about the hemispheric asymmetry in the brain, but how do you get these two to work together harmoniously? Today, I want to show you how to actually synchronize your hemispheric asymmetry— with simple and practical tips to implement.

Synchronising The Hemispheres: Here's Your Action Plan
Art Piece by me

I want to ask you:
What kind of problems are you dealing with right now?
Feel free to share how much you want to share.

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Maybe I will go into the topics that are bothering my audience more, if it aligns with the stuff I want to talk about.

Let’s dive into todays episode.

In the last episode "I am Breaking The Habit Tonight", we became aware of the real issue: our fragmented internal state.

If we need to get to the next level,
If we want to be the captain of our ship,
If we want to take control of our life,
we need to be in unity internally.

We’ve talked about the hemispheric asymmetry in the brain—the creative, zoomed-out right side, and the analytical, zoomed-in left side.

But how do you get these two to work together harmoniously, instead of constantly pulling you in opposite directions?

Today, I want to show you how to actually synchronize your hemispheric asymmetry— with simple and practical tips to implement.

Move Diagonally to Build Bridges

Sounds weird, but it’s effective. Cross-body movements—like touching your right hand to your left knee—activate both hemispheres of the brain.

It’s mental engagement. This kind of movement creates new neural pathways and synchronizes your brain’s communication systems.

It can be pretty challenging; like tapping your head while circling your belly— and then changing it— circling your head and tapping your belly.

Another, simpler example is circling your right arm forward to backwards, while the left arm backwards to forwards, then changing directions both directions.

But you can start small. Add a few diagonal movements to your morning routine or while taking a break. The more you move in this way, the more connected your brain becomes.

Binaural Beats Synchronize the Hemispheres

Binaural beats are sound frequencies that help bring both brain hemispheres into alignment.

It’s kinda strange, but I feel the difference personally. You should try it too.

When it comes to brain coherence, binaural beats are one of the simplest yet most profound tools I have used so far.

But what are they?

Binaural beats are created when two slightly different frequencies are played in each ear. For example: Let’s say your left ear hears a tone at 210 Hz and your right ear hears a tone at 200 Hz. Your brain finds the difference, in this case, 10 Hz, and interprets it as a rhythmic beat. This perceived frequency is what we call the binaural beat.

Different brainwave frequencies correspond to different states of consciousness.

Our brain naturally oscillates at different frequencies, which can be measured in hertz (Hz). These brainwaves determine how we feel and think, and they can be categorized into five main types:

  • Delta (0.5 – 4 Hz): Deep sleep and healing.
  • Theta (4 – 8 Hz): Deep relaxation, creativity, and meditation.
  • Alpha (8 – 12 Hz): Calm, focused relaxation—often associated with light meditation.
  • Beta (12 – 30 Hz): Active thinking, problem-solving, and alertness.
  • Gamma (30+ Hz): Heightened perception, cognitive functioning, and peak focus.

And why do they work?

When you listen to binaural beats, your brain starts to entrain to the frequency of the beat.

  • If you listen to a 7 Hz binaural beat, you’re likely to enter the Theta state, which is associated with creativity, meditation, and deep relaxation.
  • A 10 Hz beat can help you reach the Alpha state, ideal for calm focus and flow states.

How Meditation Changes the Brain

This is a no-brainer(no pun intended)

The study “Mindfulness Meditation Is Related to Long-Lasting Changes in Hippocampal Functional Topology during Resting State: A Magnetoencephalography Study explored how practicing mindfulness meditation, specifically Vipassana meditation, can change the brain over the long term.

These Researchers found that people who meditate regularly show increased connectivity in the right hippocampus, a part of the brain that's important for memory.

This area was more connected in meditators than in non-meditators, especially in a frequency associated with memory processes.

The findings suggest that meditation might help improve memory and brain function and could even play a role in protecting the brain from age-related conditions like Alzheimer's.

Regular meditation may have lasting positive effects on the brain, promoting brain coherence and taking the seat as the captain of your ship.

I am Breaking The Habit Tonight

Last week, we explored the importance of synchronizing your hemispheres, today I showed you practical activities to promote this cohorence.

Don’t forget to answer this email with the problems that are bothering you right now!

See you next week,

kiss kiss,


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