Tarkan Turan
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You Go Bananas Without Happiness

You Go Bananas Without Happiness

Man lol.

I read a post from Alex Hormozi. Alex is the Author of “100M$ Offers” & “100M$ Leads”.

Two books that are insanely good on the topic of business.

Here is the post:

Your 20s:
You either “live ‘em up”, or you “work’ em up”.

What is “living it up”? Partying all night?
What is “work’em up”?
Where does one thing end, and the other start?

Isn’t this black and white thinking?
I want to give some frameworks on why happiness is

  • possible,
  • important

& why it makes you

  • whole
  • & healthy.

— Balance is the key word and antidote here.

You can read more on: how to to live your truth in my post What Is Your Dream, What Is Your Truth?

Here we go deeper into the “Why” of truth.

Happiness as The Only Marker of Success

Why is happiness a key marker for success? Because happiness is truth.

— your truth.

If you live your truth, you are happy.

Living your truth brings joy. Joy & happiness are ultimate and universal markers of truth. That is represented within the sun archetype in tarot.
The sun symbolizes truth in the divine world, while simultaniously happiness in the physical world.

Happiness is reached through the moderation of desires, it is said.

Deep Desires & being Off Center

The more you focus on one desire only, like in financial success, the more you neglect everything else in your life.

We spoke about the “On-center Framework” in the Loveletter episode NoFap & Excessive Masturbation: Let’s find Balance in our Sexuality, Men!

With this framework we see how temperance/moderation of desires creates balance.

Truth is, life and humans in general are multidimensional. You are happy and healthy, when your life is enjoyable as a whole.

“Success” on the other hand, be it in

  • business
  • relationships
  • material gains
  • etc.,

can always be deceptive.


How do you know, it was your ambition to begin with?

How do you know, you’re not just trying to impress your papa that was always disappointed in you?

You have been chasing old authority figures and ghosts. Your motivation was avoiding shame. Your incentives are off.

In the end, you are not happy.
It is the old way of doing things.
Thinking you found the solution, only to figure out you’re not even truly happy.

You try to make your family happy.
And now they are not even as happy as you expected to be.

Even when your parents say that they would be happy if X happens, does not mean they will be.

Why this Tragic Ending?

Because everybody is responsible for their own happiness.
Happiness; it is a spiritual quest.

We are the new people.
The old people, or conservative way of thinking assumed that

  • sacrifice,
  • heritage,
  • legacy &
  • hard work

is necessary to maintain security & ownership.
Within Families, within generations.
The new people, the new genertations will embrace uncertainty and flow.
And will redefine what it means to be successful.

… so the question remains:

Your 20’s: Live ‘em Up or Work ‘em Up?

I think, as a sovereign with metaphysical awareness, you can be aware of doing things that benefit you on many levels.

Taking the balanced approach.
You know, grow as a whole.

A personal example is my situation right now: I am attending the 3rd festival in my life and I work and get paid for building it. In this way, there is really no way of saying it is either “working it up” or “living it up”.

I could not possibly categorize it in either of those
— because it is both.
And this is how happy people go through life. They serve the places they have the most fun in. And aquire the skills to be useful in that place.

That’s it.
I hope this gives some insight.

Kiss Kiss,


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