Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

You don’t care about truth; Here's why

You don’t care about truth; Here's why

Truth can be pinpointed by paradox, it’s a good rule of thumb to go by.

In the last episode “Stop being a Slave. Just be worthy.”, we explored attachment. We explored how attachment to an outcome can destroy the manifestation of our dreams. But also too much detachment can be destructive.

It is paradoxical, yes.

Today, we go deeper into ways we can attach/detach in unbalanced ways. We explore this through the three poisons of the soul.

In buddhism, the three poisons of the soul (also known as the "Three Unwholesome Roots" or "Three Fires")

are said to be the root cause of suffering for humans.


The indifferent mindset, which leads to

Avidya (Ignorance) or Moha (Delusion).

Ignorance is the inability to see things as they truly are. It involves a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of reality.

We are way too attached.

We are attached to

  • material things,
  • our feelings,
  • afraid of death,
  • identified with intellectualism

We can’t let go & accept the fact that we are spiraling.

Spiraling in what?

— In Samsara.

Samsara is the continuous, repetitive cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The Existence that beings undergo, driven by karma and the Three Poisons.

Ignorance or Indifference is considered the root poison from which the other two poisons arise. Being in this mode; we don’t know the truth & genuinely don’t care about finding out the truth.

It clouds the mind, leading to misconceptions & the perpetuation of the vicious cycle.


The second poison of the soul is

having a clinging mindset,

which leads to Raga (Attachment) or Lobha (Greed):

Attachment refers to a strong desire for

  • pleasure,
  • material possessions,
  • and clinging to people, experiences, or things.

It manifests as craving and greed, causing one to pursue temporary & ultimately unsatisfying “fulfillments”. Remember, you can pinpoint truth by paradox. The only real constant in this reality is change.

Clinging leads to suffering because it is based on the illusion of permanence and the mistaken belief that external objects can bring lasting happiness.

We lack the wisdom that death and entropy brings to us, when we are acting greedy or attached.


A rejecting mindset creates the third poison of the soul

it leads to Dvesha (Aversion) or Dosa (Hatred):

Aversion is the mental state characterized by feelings of

  • anger,
  • hatred,
  • and repulsion.

It includes all forms of negative emotions such as

  • fear,
  • envy, and
  • hostility.

This is the other side of the coin to the clinging temperament. Instead of the gripping to something, it is the opposite desire to distance from something/someone. Aversion leads to suffering by creating a constant state of

  • conflict,
  • divide and
  • dissatisfaction,

causing harmful actions and thoughts towards oneself and others.

This temperament is ignorant about the truth that we are all interconnected.

We all came from one source, call it god, big bang, home, the central sun/black hole, whatever. We are connected through the web of consciousness.

We are all one.

Awareness Is the Antidote for Ignorance

What I found most inspiring about writing this article is that really, both the rejecting & clinging attitude are based on a fundamental misconception about reality.

They both spring from the first poison ignorance.
So just by not being ignorant, you will avoid getting clingy or rejecting.

Which reminds me again of the quote:

“Risk everything for awareness.” — Osho

Awareness demands you to keep being open.
Awareness demands you to keep expanding.
Awareness does not allow you to ignore painful truths.
Awareness grows forever.

So keep risking everything for awareness, keep waking up from the slumber.

Kiss Kiss


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