Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

What Is Your Dream, What Is Your Truth?

What Is Your Dream, What Is Your Truth?

The Foundation of Everything you do

What's your dream?

— It's the foundation of everything you do.

Look: initially, I planned to talk about

the two different ways to get stronger (or something like that)

Because of the context of last episode, it might be interesting to go deeper into exercise.

But since this is deeply inspired by Paul Cheks systems, we have to take a step back.

I Realized We Need to Go Deeper

Why are you doing physical exercise in the first place?
In Spirit of his teachings, the most crucial and fundamental step is to first figure out:

What’s your dream outcome in life?
Knowing your dream gives direction and purpose.
Without it, you're just drifting within space.

When you don’t have your dream life outcome in mind, you easily get:

  • off track from minor distractions
  • no purposeful action going
  • scattered efforts
  • no organization of your energy (dispersion of energy)

This episode will help you find that dream and understand why it matters.
Your time on earth is limited.
Make the best out of it & harness your potential.

Let's get to it.

Dreams and Archetypes

Dreams and goals are raw potential.

An archetype is an empty form. Think of it as your dream to be a mother or a successful businessperson.

Artpiece by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев
Artpiece by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев

These forms hold potential.

By themselfes, without proper fuel, they are without substance.
Dreams act as a direction,
while desire comes and drives the fullfilment of potential.

Desire is very ilusive because it create a state of lack within yourself.

In the short run it can make you passionate about things, but in the long run it create a sense of urgency which is not healthy.

By desire, we communicate to the universe that we “don’t have”.

This is paradoxically necessary to kickstart the whole process.

But is counterproductive within the process.

That’s why the actual work is not only execution of the steps towards our dreams, but also the emotional work to detach from the desire itself.

Desire creates lack and fear, as said. Why that is so bad, we will see next. (yoda voice)

Don’t Be The Feather in The Wind

Your dream acts like a magnet, pulling you toward your potential.

We spoke about this in my newsletter episode “The Undeniability of Personal Branding”.

The section was about Identifying your North Star: What direction guides you?

This is about having a clear vision. No worries, you do not have to have figured it all out yet.

I always say it is at least important in which direction you are going, and I love the comparison of the idea of

“floating in space”

— Imagine you are in space. No objects near that pulls you into it’s gravitational force.

You want to get to this specific star. — Thats your north star

You would never know what happens along the journey. & you don’t have to.

But what’s important is the direction which you are going to.

If you push yourself a few degrees off the dream(the north star), the movement you created towards the goal with be miles apart.

Because there is no gravity, you just float towards it endlessly. You missed the north star about 2 degrees, but it’s faaar apart.

— that can happen easily when we let our brain be the authority instead of our hearts.

You know, the heart knows the feeling of “being home”, the brain just executes on what it thinks is right.

And it is based on analytical, linear thinking, but we know that things do not happen linearly.

Even time is not working like that. It just seems to be.

I realized this once I had a dream about my ex girlfriend leaving spontaniously for a vacation with her mum. The next day she told me that her mum asked her to go on vacation with her.

How do you explain this?

Linear time is questionable. And many people experienced similar things.

Focus on the feeling of “being home”

That’s how can you be precise with this. You focus on the quality of the north star (home), not the journey ahead (thinking about problem solving).

You have to capture the feeling of being home. This feeling of being home, can be reproduced by meditation,

But mostly we are here on earth to execute.

To ground our dreams in fertile soil.

So in order to execute, we have to put intention into it.

What Is Intention?

If you think about lifting your arm, your arm is not gonna move.

— Intention is when you actually lift your arm.

That movement, or act of doing it, is gonna propel you forwards in life.

But there is a differentiation here to between:

  • outer intention vs
  • inner intention

This is a concept derived from the book “Transsurfing Reality” by Vadim Zeland. (big recommendation)

Inner intention, like the act of moving your arm, only goes as far as you want it.

You can move your arm, but the movement of that arm is gonna be limited by physics.

When you have a weight in front that is preventing your arm from moving, your arm is gonna have to overcome that force.

And when it’s too much weight, you can forget it.

Then, there is outer intention.

This is miracously performing magic.

Magic is real.

Listen now.

Magic is possible when:

  • the purity of your heart leads the your brain power,
  • & is backed up by your gut feeling
  • PLUS is aligned with the movement of natural energies around you.

This is where people learn to bend spoons & shit.

The reason the universe is manifesting our fears with such ease;

— is because our heart, mind & gut are in alignment about fear.

When you’re in fear, your

  • brain,
  • heart
  • & gut

are agreeing to be it. They are in sync.

That’s why fears manifest so easily.

Now think about moments when you desire something.

Most desires we have, are out of our head or sheer willpower.

There is excess potential created, which the universe interprets as resistance.

Because we have:

  • a specific way in mind in which our desires are manifested
  • and are fearful of the fact that our dream might not happen.

You can see one example of outer intention in the anime Naruto Shippuden.

“Sage Mode is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creating senjutsu chakra.

Sage Mode allows users to tap into the natural force of the world, opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to power up existing ones with the new senjutsu chakra.

In order to enter Sage Mode, the gatherer must remain absolutely still in order to be one with nature and balance the natural energy with their own physical and spiritual energies.

If the user puts too little natural energy into using senjutsu, the technique will not work. Conversely, if too much natural energy is taken in, their body will turn to stone forever” — naruto.fandom.com

You see here, how stillness is required to enter sage mode and tap into the natural forces.

Similarly, stillness is required to hear the calm winds within which are the messenger of the heart.

It is a subtle realm,

so learn how to listen closely.

Aim to harness synergy and unity with outer and inner forces.

That’s the essence of outer intention.

This is probably a practice that will transform your life forever.

*And it will lead you to finding the path to your dream life with ease.

You need effort, to be effortlessness though. It requires practice.*

I Am Listenting Tarkan, But I Still Have No Clue?!

Then, If you still have no clue about your dream, articulate your worst nightmare!

Writing the antithesis to your dream outcome:

I hate full time! — that’s a good articulation

My biggest nightmare is to work so much that I forget myself — that’s the nightmare

So your nightmare is working full time.

Now, your dream outcome means part time.

Your life of choice is dedicated to serving a company or being self employed, it does not matter to you, but it has to be part time.

With this dream outcome, you can carve out your north star now.

You north star is the direction you are going.

Why are you only wanting to work part time?

— articulate the philosophy behind it!

It could be formulated like:

“I am busy working on personal projects at the same time.

I dedicated myself to be autodidact, I am aquiring all the skills I need to satisfy my soul and grow along. I have quite a few recreational hobbies.

I need a part time job because a secure income on the side while having enough time to work on myself is crucial for the direction I am going in.

If I would have a full time job, I would have no time and creative juices for myself.

If I would just work on myself, I could not learn how to provide a service and could not sustain this gradual succession towards realizing my dreams financially.”

That’s it!

Carving out the why is not complicated.

But requires you to sit there and actually articulate.

The first time is the hardest.

Keep In Mind The Oscillating Forces Of Nature

We spoke about aligning your

  • heart,
  • gut
  • and mind
  • with the natural forces of nature.

And everything in nature breathes out and in, has it’s natural rythms.

Don’t expect certain things to happen on a phase of a moon.

When atmospheric pressure falls down (which can be pretty rapid here on the azores where I live), everyone feels the pressure subconsciously.

  • Life get’s slower,
  • things don’t move in normal speed,
  • and people contract more into their intimate lifes.

You wouldn’t expect expansive qualities manifesting (like growth in all areas), when a phase like this happens.

Or in other words, don’t demand high tide when low tide just started.

Just wait.

The pendulum will eventually swing back. Nature and god benefits the patient. This is how you perform like a real magician.

Go Live Your Dream!

We’ve covered a lot in little word count today.

This is not particularly a framework by Paul Chek, but a process I carved out getting nearer and nearer to the truth of the matter.

Knowing and articulating your dream is key to guiding your actions.

Uniting your heart, mind and gut and aligning these powers with the oscillating forces of nature are key.

Reinforce the importance of knowing and articulating your dream for guiding your life’s actions.

The power of writing will impact your life in positive ways.

I hope I could brighten your day, have a great weekend!

Kiss Kiss,


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