Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

Stop Being A Slave. Just Be Worthy.

The physical shackles don’t exist. They are mental. To get out of slavery, you have to feel worthy. Let go of anger, stop worrying and surrender to the worst case scenario.

Stop Being A Slave. Just Be Worthy.

The physical shackles don’t exist.
They are mental.

“If you don’t know what you want,
you will be told what you want,
and you will believe it.

If you don’t create a purpose,
you will be assigned one.

If you don’t create a career,
you will be assigned one.

If you don’t create a hierarchy of goals
to invest your mental energy in,
you will be assigned one,

like climbing a corporate, religious,
or status ladder just to realize
you’ve wasted 80% of your life.”

Dan Koe, The Art of Focus

Let me tell you a story about Karl.

Karl is a 9-5 worker in some western country. Whatever.
He is unsatisfied with his life.
He kinda likes his work,
because it gives him the sercurity he needs,
but is unhappy because it sucks the life force out of him.

He thinks:

“how do I get out of here?
— Well, I just have to work enough!
So I have enough money to get out!”

Many people think like that.

Would you agree with his strategy? I think most people would.

But I have a different view on this.
Can you guess why?
Well, ask yourself, how does a slave get out of slavery?

— definitely not by working more!

Imagine a slave, who is physically being captivated,
thinking by working more, he would get out someday.

Good luck!

That’s not why slavemasters enslave people in the first place.
But truthfully, that is how people nowadays think!

And it is the same with mental slavery
— the situation where most of us are trapped in.

They are trapped within the matrix, maybe in a 9-5.

And they are working towards getting out, which is good.

But in this subconscious programming, they are led to work more,
thinking it will get them out of the rat-race at some point.

Which is a error in thinking.
It’s missing the mark.
They are sinning — commiting hamartia.

How to Embody Worthiness

Today, I will tell you how to get out.

And that is not by working more, but by actually feeling —worthy— of freedom.

Feeling worthy is a prerequisite to seeing the possibilities of freeing yourself.

A worthy human simply feels like he deserves better.

Also, he is not being afraid of the outcome of that.

Let’s go through this; step by step.


It is important to negate feelings of

  • anger,
  • resentment
  • or revenge

towards the slavemaster or the system.

Because embodying these negative emotions shows the universe that you are not believing in your worthiness.

How do you get to this point? How can you be so detached from the situation, that you don’t feel anger?

No worries, you will know by the end of this article.

— It is about complete conviction of your worthiness. It is a knowing. Embodiment.


In the same way anger is counterproductive, worrying about how to get out of slavery creates friction too.

Because you are imagining fixed scenarios of how it should or could happen.

Remember the universe and it’s amazing ability to manifest miracles in unique ways.

By Imagining a fixed scenario, you are blocking the way of blessings coming your way.

Think about the unexpected ways that wonders have happened in your life.

Ok, Tarkan, how do I stop worrying and being angry?

I know, sounds impossible. That’s human emotions!

But there is one cheatcode — surrender.

Imagine Your Worst Case Scenario

The last step to completly feel worthy without negative emotions is to imagine your worst case scenario and being okay with it.

Surrendering to it.

Feel into the scenario of it not working out.

  • Accept the failure.
  • Feel the pain.
  • Let go of the necessity.
  • Outgrow the attachment.

Be okay with it not working out.

You are imagining it in the worst way possible, & completely be okay with it.

With this, you let go of the anxious attachment of gripping too tight on the condition that it has to happen. When you let go, you are more open to the ways it might happen

(as said, everything can happen in miraculous ways)

— You only have to do this one time.

This will release negative emotions like anger & resentment, while at the same time free you of worry.

Your body has felt how the worst case scenario felt, and now should not be anxious at all.

If you still feel those negative emotions afterwards, you haven’t gone into it enough.

I hope this will help you find your path. From slavery, to freedom.

Thank you.

Kiss Kiss


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