Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

Human Hemispheric Asymmetry, Satan & his Relationship to your Mum

Human Hemispheric Asymmetry, Satan & his Relationship to your Mum

The Gateway Process & Mysteries of Meditation

Did you know that the CIA have been trying to figure out if time travel really works?

There is a project called “Analysis and Assesment of the Gateway Process” funded by the CIA trying to asses if this is true.

There was a series of dvd recordings called “the gateway process”, which created some waves of upheaval.

It is a meditation DVD Series.

The people who followed the instructions were experiencing crazy results.

And now you would think, oh what kind of spiritual nonsense is this again?

You are funny…

I guess thats also what Intelligence Agencies like the CIA think, that’s why they invest millions of dollars investigating what’s true and what not.

And it just happens to be the case that the gateway process works.

If you’re too lazy to follow along, read the beginning of the document. In the Document it is stated: “to how and why the process works”.

And it is way more complicated than I suspected it to be.

The base premise of this experiment is to scientifically prove that you are able to time travel through your own mind. And that is, by “hemisync”, a technique were your brain hemispheres harmonize.

From my limited understanding: By minimizing analytical activity (that quality which objectifies, analyzes, divides, rationalizes) and to tap into the left brain activities of creativity, infinity, holism.

Through this portal then, in which you can create infinitely, you can visualize your future desired, quantum reality and make it a possibility.

We live in a reality where there is infinite amount of possible realities potentially happening within the next moment.

And we have to choose consciously what we will be creating in the future.

And you choose by visualization and feeling into it, or “embodiment”.

Dr. Joe Dispenza and his works are profound insights into how we can create our reality within the quantum field.

His Approach is based on scientically studying breakthrough moments, where people experience total empowerment, freedom and spiritual enlightenment.

That is mostly in our Alpha/Theta brainwave states where we experience profound mystical experience that can change our trajectory of life.

Dr Joe, along with Thomas Feiner and Normen Schack, two members of the neuroscience branch of the research team, explain how changes in one of their student’s brainwave state led to a profound mystical experience during a meditation.

“One of our purposes of meditation according to our work is getting beyond the analytical mind.”

— Dr. Joe Dispenza

You can see here, how important it is to deactivate that part of your mind.
— The force that sets limitations.

Read here more about: Demystifying a Transcendental Moment

You could now say “Bro, the left and right brain dichotomy is debunked scientifically.”

Not really.

Regarding The Truth About The Left Brain / Right Brain Relationship, here is an interesting exerpt:

On the other hand, some recent headlines challenge the left brain / right brain dichotomy. One highly publicized paper, summarized at The Guardian, failed to find evidence that individuals tend to have stronger left- or right-sided brain networks. A new book by Stephen M. Kosslyn and G. Wayne Miller argues that the left / right brain divide is largely bogus, and should instead be replaced by a top brain / bottom brain distinction. So while there's something deeply compelling about the clear-cut, right-brain versus left-brain classification (or is that just my left hemisphere speaking?), we have good reasons for skepticism. The real story, as you might expect, is a bit more complicated — but arguably more interesting — than the infographics and popular headlines seem to suggest.

The Truth About The Left Brain / Right Brain Relationship

So yea, it’s not clear cut like left only does this and right only does that. Whats more important though, is the fact that there is hemispheric asymmetries.
— Top/bottom, left or right, who cares.

Just as duality exists in night and day, there is two qualities which balance each other out.

Also in our cognitive functioning.

One all encompassing, and the other, the measuring, giving boundaries to the all so that it is something tangible.

And that is exactly how our consciousness works.

Just try it out! Start a painting and perceive for how many minutes you can paint or draw.. without your analytical mind getting into the process, trying to judge or discern your output into “good” or “bad”.

It is extremely difficult to stay in “flow state”. That’s where high performers, scientists and artists are getting the groundbreaking moments from.

See the Pattern, Detach from Pattern

So Aren’t you tired of jumping in the same loop for years?

Aren’t you hungry for a quantum leap into change?

The reason we are so stuck up is mainly because we are living in a over compartmentalized system that wants us to overuse the analytical mind.

If we would be more in tune with nature, we would see that nature is syntropic. Nature works as a whole.

And the whole reason of climate change, pollution and corruption is rooted in our lack of ability to understand that we function as one.

There is a term in german called “Fachidiot”. Which basically is a term for someone who is so specialized into one field, that he is an idiot.

The western society and school system rewards highly specialized knowledge.

— but I bet on it that the future belongs to the synthesizers.

The people who see correlations between seemingly different things, seeing the pattern of holism that is present within everything.

And now I will tell you how to be a synthesizers.

A synergistic thinker.

A true time traveler who is all powerful.

How to Breakthrough: The Illusion of Time

Past and future are not a linear line to walk on my friend. In truth, linear time is a phenomenon only perceivable from 3rd dimension.

Time itself is not linear. A statement that has long been in discussion in Quantum Physics.

Some Physicists even says there is no such thing as time.

Read more here: Time might not exists according to physicists

I have experienced it in my own terms.

A few years ago I dreamed of my ex girlfriend telling me she will spontaniously leave for holidays. The next day she told me she will leave for holidays with her parents.

How do you explain this? It made no linear sense.

Sometimes it is simple like that. lol.

“The tangible world is movement, say the masters, not a collection of movement itself. There are no objects “in movement”, It is the movement which constitutes the objects which appear to us: they are nothing but movement.

This movement is a continued and infinitely rapid succession of flashes of energy, (in Tibetan “tsal” or “shoug”). All objects perceptible to our senses, all phenomena of whatever kind and whatever aspect they may assume, are constituted by a rapid succession of instantaneous events”.

Analysis and Assesment of the Gateway Process

Let me switch roles now; because as an Astrologer, I have to give my pattern recognition the space to express.

I can only make assumptions here. As astrology is a language, not a science: Astrology is not true, but it rhymes.

— & what I see here is:

Saturn is the ringmaker here, the god of time, or Chronos, who creates the illusion of time. Saturn in astrology is also the force that limits us. Our challenges, hardships and the quality of contraction itself are represented by Saturn.

Think about it, if you had time forever, there would be no urgency to do things. Saturn limits us to make things urgent.

And just like expansion follows in form of Jupiter, contraction is on the way again as a wave forever.

— Expansion is correlated spiritualization. Contraction is correlated to materialization.

Our Bones, as the dense material which makes living possible this planet, are made by saturnalien forces.

Spirits force is spiritualisation, Satan or “the devils” force is materialisation or calcification.

Both of them work against eachother.

Both of them are necessary to experience reality as we see it.

Its the Ying and Yang.

You can see it in the quality of Saturns counterpart Jupiter. Jupiter is gasious planet, FULL of spirits. It makes sense that it rules expansion, because it is a spiritual archetype.


And as we just spoke about the two brain hemispheres, the “one — All encompassing — , and the other, — the measuring, giving boundaries to the all—, so that it is something tangible”,

you could say that Saturn is ruling, or ruled by the analytical mind; that which gives boundaries to things & wants to make them tangible (through contraction/ “hard work”).

The Mysteries of Saturn & Satan

If we go a bit further, into the mysteries of conspiritorial territory, some say that Saturns hexagonal northpole is the source of energy that gets emitted onto earth, so we can experience physicality itself.

I know its crazy, I am not saying that I believe this is true.

But really, have you ever asked yourself why snow flakes have such perfect hexagonal geometries?

And it all sounds like science fiction. But most of the time, reality is stranger than fiction.

Just look at the NASA picture of Mimas (left) , a moon of Saturn. Read here: Saturns Satellite Mimas

And especially the weird temperature dispersion.

Looks like Pacman.

Very funny, he? Let’s me think; maybe Earth is really just a huge petri dish. An experiment to experience. I know its wild, but its also really interesting rabbit hole.

Dive in with me. If you haven’t left until now.

We learned and probably already know that linear time binds us to reality. So does our organic bodies.

What makes us physical organic beings? — We are made out of carbon.

Carbon has 6 Protons, 6 Neutrons and 6 Electrons.

We are carbon made bodied beings.

666 is known as the Number of Satan.

Satan is the archetype that represents the binding to flesh, the carnal. If you look at the meaning of the devil tarot card, it represents all things that we feel we are not in control of. The women and the men are chained to the baphomets altar.

“The devil” as a card thereby is nothing to be afraid of, it is an archetype all present within our lifes.

How many times did you thought about how you’re “limited”? This feeling of limitation is the devil archetype.

And that is, what is fundamentally needed to experience reality.

Saturn’s, or Satan’s healthy expression is boundaries, long term thinking and systems that function. Saturn is also the god of Agriculture. Agriculture is immensely restricted to natures law. The laws that bind us to our survival. To make us think about tomorrow. And in regards to having healthy boundaries:

Just think about the crazy scenario of us having no skin and physicality.

let’s ignore the fact that nothing is really “solid”, as the gap, even between seemingly very solid elements like metalatoms, are 99.99% space.

You would not know where you begin, and where you end. We would be spirit. We would mix into eachother, knowing we are interconnected and one.

We would live on Jupiter probably

This is why we are here. To experience seperation for a moment, to realize that we are in fact connected. — Just like that is technically and precisely no “closed system” possible.

See the Pattern & Make The Pattern Interruption

So in order to reach balance in the subtle realities of your life, I encourage you wholeheartedly:

Be aware of when your creative, expansive side steps in purely, just to be disrupted by your limitative thinking. And this limitative thinking is very important for our functioning of society:

Some things have to be precise & normed.

Some things have to be double checked.

Some things have to have clear boundaries.

Some things need to articulated with a quality standart.

The numbers are important.

But not always. Not in Meditation. And Especially not as our default state.

Sometimes this disruption shows itself in the way we talk to ourselves.

Sometimes you tell yourself something great and inspiring & immediatly experience your saturnalien archetype stepping in, to show the limits of that idea and belitteling your own greatness.

In my personal experience and probably most humans, this was imprinted through the relationship of our father and mother.

My Mother said something, My father stepped in and critized.

And again, that can be something resourceful. But not in my case, because my father was abusive and destructive, it was not.

And that shows itself in the way of how I deal with my saturnalien archetype.

Because Saturn in astrology is represented by “the father”, your father and paternal love in general.

Paternal love is “I love you for your potential and do my best to bring it out of you”,

while maternal love is “I love you no matter what”

Paternal comes from the word pattern — it encourages us that there is a pattern in this construct of reality; it represents the divine light and order.

There is a certain order in this chaos we call existence. Paternal love tries to penetrate these mysteries to make sense out of it.

The other side; maternal love, comes from the world marteria.

— We are constructed in a matrix of organic matter that binds us to the laws of nature.

We can’t be perfect, because we are human.

Forgive yourself, like the holy mother loves you no matter what.

We are not perfect and will never be. Trying to reach perfection no matter what will corrupt you.

Of course, both of these qualities can be taken to the extremes.

You can unconditionally love yourself to a point of delusion, where you gain too much weight, knowing how unhealthy it is, and ignoring it because of “self love”

The paternal side can be taken to extreme of pushing yourself so hard that you are displaying masochistic tendencies. — You torture yourself in perfectionism and a approach that is just too masculine.

And everybody has their own limits on this. There is very masculine people and very feminine people. Find your own balance.

You know you are balanced when you are healthy and happy. That’s it.

And just like that, we find balance between loving ourselves and pushing ourselves to our highest potential. Finding strengths in our limitlessness and connection to the all.

Reality is More Fluid Than You Think

As we conclude this exploration, it becomes evident that our grasp on time, consciousness, and reality is more fluid and expansive than previously thought. The insights from the Gateway Process, Dr. Joe Dispenza's research, and the astrological perspective invite us to rethink the limitations we've accepted about our minds and the universe.

This journey reveals the power within us to transcend traditional boundaries of time and space, suggesting that our reality is shaped by more than just the physical world. It underscores the importance of balancing analytical thought with creative intuition, and how embracing our interconnectedness can lead to profound personal and collective evolution.

Make The Quantum Leap!

So, are you ready to become a synthesizer, a synergistic thinker, a true time traveler? The journey into unlocking your full potential and reshaping your reality begins with a single step: recognizing the profound connection between your inner world and the universe at large. Let this exploration be a catalyst for your own quantum leap into a future where anything is possible.

Kiss Kiss,


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