Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

You Are A Salesman (Even If You Don’t Want) (sorry)

You Are A Salesman (Even If You Don’t Want) (sorry)


if the world would see the omnipresence of selling.

The good people on this earth would start to learn selling. They would lose the immediate judgement that selling is something “unethical”.

My wild theory: A power shift would happen…


because right now — the bad people learn selling at the highest level — not because they want to, but because they need to.

Of course… how do you convince someone of buying poison? For the bad people, it’s sheer necessity.

It is our responsibility to learn selling.

Do you inherently think — that you are a positive influence to this world?

Why wouldn’t you then learn how to sell your impact, products & ideas to the world?

Don’t be the starving artist!

Have A Close Look!

Sleezy sales techniques have a bad reputation, — and thats obvious, it is like: When you are on a first date & the other is just too desperate for you.

The way they want to sell themselves to you (as much as possible), is repelling.

We inherently don’t trust these types of people; because their agenda seems to be more important to them than our financial, physical, emotional wellbeing.

The Ubiquity of Selling

Still, today I am gonna challenge your underlying, fixed perception & judgment towards the act of “selling” itself.

Selling is inherently in our DNA. Every conversation you have, every decision you influence, every choice you make—each is a subtle act of selling.

“You may be a manager selling her team members on the need for a change in procedures. Or you may be a father selling his kid on the wisdom of following your curfew. But you are a salesperson nonetheless.”

— unknown

We sell our ideas, our belongings, our sexual market value, our skills all the time.

Literally, when you speak! You are trying to sell with what you are telling. It is all tied to the effort of convincing.

I boldly claim that convincing is a form of selling.

The Evolution from Misconception to Mastery

The hypocrisy is denying that we human creatures need to sell and demonizing it. First of all, you can’t deny that you are selling, as we talked about.

— Just because you seem to be in a privileged position, to not consciously execute the act of selling,

does not mean you would not need to, if this luxury was taken from you.

What do I mean by this?

Most people I see, that say selling is unethical, are pacifists who were growing up in privileged households. Never — in their whole life, they needed so sell something consciously.

But they would have to, if they weren’t in this luxurious position.

My message here is:

Be grateful that you don’t need to consciously sell something, in order to survive. Even though we all sell subconsciously, on many levels (example given: dating market).

Your ancestors had to sell, in order to survive.

It is, inherently in our DNA to sell. & if you surpress this and it turns into a shadow of yours, it will just lead you to sell unconsciously either way.

— or worse, you will subconsciously start to manipulate people, say things like “I am not playing this game”

but in reality, you are just fooling yourself.

Positioning yourself on higher ground, in order to win the game.

You try to win the game, by thinking you are better than the game.

The Benefits of Selling Skills

Starting to learn how to sell made me less resentful of people. Finally, they start to understand what I am offering to them.

Sometimes, we can get bitter over the years, just because of our inability to get our message across.

It’s real!

If we understand the necessity of learning basic human psychology in advertisement and sales, you start to see that there is universal rules.

One basic example — instead of talking about your product and it’s features, talk about your customers pain and how your product can benefit them.

This is not manipulation, its basically empathetic communication at it’s core.

If you don’t use them for your own good will, it’s gonna be a tough battle my friend.

I have seen the immense shift in my life.

Everybody needs to sell something.

“You don’t necessarily need to have the word “sales” in your title to be tagged as a salesman.

Sales isn’t about selling, it’s more about reading emotions, quickly finding pain points and off the cuff think through the possible solutions that you can offer.

Afterall, it's finding ways you can help a client and helping the client accomplish what they want to accomplish.”

NehA Bhattacharya on LinkedIn

(warning) Sleezy CTA

Refine your skills to effectively communicate, persuade, and understand others.

This is not just about improving your professional life; it's about enhancing every aspect of your personal interactions.

Whether you're securing a new client or simply trying to get your point across in a conversation, the ability to sell your ideas can set you apart and open doors.

I encourage everyone to view selling from this new perspective.

Reflect on how you can use your selling skills for good, to nurture connections, and to bring positive changes.

Share your thoughts!

Kiss Kiss,


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