Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

Wrestling with Invisible Dragons

Wrestling with Invisible Dragons

some of them you avoid,

some of them you capture,

some of them you fight,

some of them you abide to.

Learning How to Wrestle with Dragons

One of the video games I invested the most time playing was Monster Hunter.

I easily accumulated over 2000 hours of playing time in the franchise.

Monster Hunter was amazing!

Because it was:

  • raw,
  • strategic
  • and captured the essence of hunting.

You started as a rookie hunter in a small village.

You are assigned simple tasks like hunting small animals for food, or collecting certain herbs so you learn to heal yourself.

Later on, as you progressively take on bigger quests, you are confronted of hunting a large monster.

Capturing or killing a monster was not an easy task. Every species had it’s own

  • character,
  • behaviour pattern,
  • strengths and weaknesses.

And they were really scary sometimes.

I remember fighting Khezu,
a disgusting worm like creature which had thick skin.

My sword was not sharp enough to penetrate through the flesh.

I was very frustrated,
— trial after trial I failed.

And then, my brother Alper tried.
Alper always had a tactical and thoughtful mind.

He came to me the next day, said: “I killed it”, and I was in shock.
How did he do that?!

He managed to pinpoint the weak spot of that animal. It was the head.


I thought to myself.

But I was afraid to attack the head, because this monster could extend his neck and reach out to large distances.

That day…

I learned what it takes to be mindful and observe.

And in order to effectively hunt the Khezu, I had to put myself at risk attacking the head — the place where it’s most dangerous for me.

Some important life lessons were learned through this game. lol

It taught me to:

  • observe
  • recognize patterns
  • see the holes in the opponent’s game
  • attack in the right moment
  • retreat when it’s necessary

I am introducing you to this game, because I think in live we all have dragons to wrestle with.

This is a metaphysical episode, because most of these dragons are


& we will dive into different forms of how these dragons can manifest in your life.

The Curse On Our Family

The dragons you wrestle with can be very banal to other people
— the people around you may never see or understand what you struggle with.

A great example is in my personal life:
Uncovering the existence of a curse mark.

Between my mother, my brother and I,
there was for many years a certain wall of communication.

No matter how pure my intentions were, I could never really reach my mum emotionally & tell her what I think without her getting overly irrational.

I was asking myself; Is this really just how life works?

Even if you put so much work in communication,
is this the extend where we can go to?

When are we going to evolve?

And then, one day, it all shifted.

artpiece about my family by me
artpiece about my family by me

I moved into my families place again, after I was living outside for a month.

We had to rearrange a lot of things,
my mom was insisting of providing a workplace for me.

I was ashamed, because she literally wanted to give up her privacy so her son could do his studies with focus.

On that day, something was revealed to us.

While moving the old stuff out of the room, my mum found an interesting piece of paper wrapped in Tesa film, which was attached to her bed.

This piece of paper looked old, it had a yellow glimmer, so it was there for a couple of years.

Phrases with the color red in arabic were written on it.

She showed me this thing, and placed it on the table like it was just another “thing”.

I had a close look.
— It looked bad.

And I immediately knew something was off.
It was a cursemark!

Don’t you now think something like “I dont’ believe in this stuff”.

Well, it’s actually quite common to use black magic in the middle east.

Whether or not you believe in the effectiveness of these things, does not negate that this was intented to be one.

Long story short:

We got help from a professional; she said that cursemark was most probably worsening the health of my mum.

It also could be a communication blocker within the family members.

And I was like: AHA!

It ALL made sense from there on.
We properly got rid of it, and the complete family dynamic shifted.
Everything changed.

Why do I tell you this?

This cursemark was an invisible dragon.
Sometimes you can’t see what you are dealing with:

— some blockages can be anchored in the energetical realm.

— some are psychological dynamics that you are so deeply familiar with that they get unconcsious

— some of them represent natural balancing forces.

Let’s Name the Elephant (or Dragon) in the Room

These dragons can show them selfs in different forms.

Some of them are:

Oversouls or “Egregore”

Wikipedia “Egregore”
Wikipedia “Egregore”

This is a collective thoughtform that accumulated over the years of people being in the same place (can be local or energetical “place”)

an idea of "spiritual entities" that "feed off the thoughts and energy of a unified multitude", as the website Occultist.net described it, while nevertheless having more of a life of their own.

Kate Strong, writing for the newsletter "Know Thyself, Heal Thyself", described egregores as "symbols, ideas, or ideals that exist in the collective psyche of a group of people and are thought to have an autonomous existence.”

Wikipedia “Egregore”

They thought similar stuff, have agreed on rules and manifested what is deemed to be appropriate and what not.

A popular example of this is being in the jungle and knowing the rules of the jungle.

You don’t go into a jungle unprepared, get almost eaten alive, and wonder why this jungle is so aggressive.

It’s just the way the jungle is.

The Energetic Pendulum

A pendulum swings back and forth.

The pendulum can show itself through:

  • war
  • government
  • a company/business
  • a sect/secret society
  • political movements
  • person with authority/power/emotional charge

These pendulums, much like the egregore, feed off of emotional and mental energy invested into it’s dynamic movement.

Within the pendulums movement, it does not matter if you are putting positive or negative emotions into it.

You can participate into building up a corporation/business, or you can be frustrated about it. In any way you’re giving your life force energy to it.

The pendulums feed off of negative as well as positive energy.

That’s why it is wise to detach completely and cut cords if you want to get rid of this. And I don’t mean turning a blind eye hear.

This dragon you fight actually doesn’t have to be fought, as in “fighting”.

it’s a more nuanced process.

If you want to go deeper into energetic pendulums, answer “pendulum” to this email.

Personal Geometric Makeup

These dragons are manifestations of your environment/conditioning growing up. Like

  • fixed ideals,
  • thoughtforms
  • weaknesses, strengths
  • conscientiousness

are all things that can make you or break you.

These are one of the most difficult dragons to overcome,
because they are deeply rooted within your psyche/subconscious.

You need self discovery and detachment to see them.

They are visible when you see yourself in third person perspective.

Also there is Internal Doubts: Personal insecurities and self-doubt.
Example: Fear of failure preventing you from pursuing your dreams.

Curses with Black Magick

Sasuke Uchiha with his curse mark
Sasuke Uchiha with his curse mark

We talked about this.

A curse is an intention that is set into reality with elemental powers.

You use ink and paper to set things into the material world.

If you go to the extremes; people sacrifice animals and use they blood to do (black) magic.

I will not go much deeper into this, because in context to my story you probably know how these curses can be invisible dragons.

You can live for years with them, wondering what’s going on or not even being aware of something to be not right.

Risk everything for awareness. — OSHO

Pathogens (fungal, bacterial, viral) Or Parasites

Much like the personal geometric makeup,
pathogens are naturally living in the energetic holes we develop in our makeup.

They represent a natural lesson to be learned
within this organic matrix we call mother earth.

— In nature, pathogens are the policemen of nature.

They decompose dead organic material,
recycle it into other forms that other animals can then again use.

Now, if you think about what purpose they place within their respective ecosystem, think about what they do with you.

You get an infection, when your wound is open.

That, itself, should reveal that sickness and disease are never “just an coincidence”.

Pathogens accumulate where there is vulnerability in it’s truest sense.

When I moved into my new place just a few weeks ago, I was wondering why I had such difficulties focussing. I was also waking up with a dry tongue.

Until I found out that my tongue was having a white film every morning.
— It was a fungal infection.

No wonder why I can’t focus.
These things can be interpreted by us as “depression” or “lack of focus”,

but sometimes they are literal pathogens reaping havoc in your body.

Are You Depressed or Surrounded by Mold?

If you have a fungal infection, ask yourself why.

  • Do you have energetic leak?
  • Or is your apartment molding?

Family/Cultural/Religious Dragons

These dragons can also be considered oversouls, but sometimes they are not specifically local but more of a pattern observed in one family group.

These dragons show themselfes as:

  • rules
  • traditions

And can also either make or break the group.

In my case, I remember my mum having this fixed Idea that we as her sons, because we are a turkish family, are meant to stay at home until the age of 30.

It was funny because all of our cousins in Istanbul were out much earlier.

So it didn’t really made much sense logically, but rather was it her own fears of losing her sons.

So she attached her identity to a certain “tradition” that does not really serve her, in order to cope with the fear.

Genetic Inheritence/Ancestral Struggles

A good example for this dragon is the passing down of addictions from generations:

If your father was an alcoholic, you are more likely to struggle with this addiction too.

It is proven that we pass down addictions with our genetic information.

I call these dragons because they can be deeply infested within our habits.

The longer this habit was passed down from generation to generation, the harder it is to let go of it.

Sometimes this “habit” could also be a certain emotional attachment.

In terms of being attached to feeling a certain emotion.

Like a collective feeling of shame, that has been felt through generation.

It cloaks up your aura like a marshmallow hugging you.
If you are clairvoiyant, you can see these things in others.


These dragons can be manifested and also seen as local. Within the working field your boss is giving the rules. Within your rented place the landlord has their rules.

And they have their ears out.

It’s like their senses/little tentacles are everywhere within their field of operation/ownership.

Human sensors are sharp.

Last week I had a big discussion with my landlord because she want’s me to be cleaner in the house. She is a overly neurotic azorean mother, obsessed with bleaching and cleaning everything several times a week.

I could discuss on and on why that is just plainly unhealthy, but I have nothing to say.

It’s their house. Their rules.

I can go whenever I want.

Remember That Everyone Wrestles with Dragons

Remember, everyone has their dragons. Facing them is part of being human. Name your dragons, understand them, and decide how you'll deal with them.

Some dragons feed on the thoughts and energy of groups, swinging back and forth like pendulums, feeding on your energy, whether you love or hate them.

Some of them you have to fight,

some of them you have avoid,

some of them you capture,

some of them you abide to.

Stay aware and observe.

The journey is yours.

Kiss Kiss,


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