Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

How to Fix your Lack of Courage

Research from the HeartMath Institute shows that the heart produces a powerful electromagnetic field. When you deepen the connection with the wisdom & intelligence of this field, you will feel yourself towards a lighter & more courageous existence.

How to Fix your Lack of Courage
Artwork by me

Hey peeps!

As I got further along my writing journey, I realised that my posts became shorter and more impactful. Episode through episode, we are honing our skills of impactful writing—reaching people at their core.

Being impactful is a ~shamefully~ useful skill.

That’s why I am republishing my first ever episode “8 Ways to Fix Your Lack Of Courage” in a new version!

If you scroll down on my website, you will find the original version. This is gonna be a shorter and more concise version. There is enough people who haven’t read it—back then I only had 30 subscribers.

We are at 190 Subscribers now.
This is a thank you from me to you!

I am constantly deleting people from my list who are not actively opening these e-mails —and you reading this means you like to read the loveletters
(well, at least open them) ~ Thank you!

I have started writing for almost a year now, started publishing every saturday since november last year, without asking for anything. Delivering my values and insights.

So my thankfulness goes out to you again.

Let’s dive into it!

Let Go of Guilt & Shame!

When I was in my early twenties, I watched Youtube a lot— and I still do I received guidance by watching specific fitness Youtubers such as Elliot Hulse.

Elliot Hulse is a tough guy.

He was all about Holistic Strength Conditioning. He was ahead of the times.
He was a student of Paul Chek But he not only did Fitness videos.

— He embodied the entrepreneurial spirit.

They told their Story about risking everything.

— Risking what?

  • Your "secure" job,
  • your financial situation,
  • life's circumstances humbling you
  • etc.

As a young buck, when your energy is high with minimal responsibilities, you may want to leave your family. You want to expand your horizon. Explore what the world has to offer.

In my case, I grew up in conservative households with a specific problem.
We lived traditionally and our families are very close.
Our low income situation also driven by fear of financial lack.

We had to rely on my father and then stepfather, thereby turkish traditions.
I wanted to leave my family... they made me feel like I am betraying them.

Of course, it is not a straight forward “You are betraying us!”, but a more subliminal messaging. Reminding the kids of “how our family does things”

Reminding us of our responsibilities and such… You get what I am saying.

Guilt Tripping is Nonsense

Let me explain why...

Your fear of taking initiative often comes from your family, friends, surroundings. They tend to project their own fears onto you.

We tend to do it unconsciously all the time.

When your parents tell you that you will forget about them, it makes you doubt yourself.

You start to think “maybe I will forget them”. Then, a disbelief and doubtfulness sneaks into your system. A crucial, subtle process that tears you down. Your natural rhythm and authentic way of showing love gets interrupted —because you're afraid and ashamed that you're not trying hard enough. You are losing trust in your authentic and unique way of caring.

This makes you feel guilty. This leads to a never-ending cycle.

In these types of families, the members are pleasing each other. Which results in resentment towards each other.

Their subconscious knows deep down: They are chaining unto each other. This was the norm and still is for many families. And is has its good reasons.

As tribal members back in time, we needed that to survive. Today, we still need to be good team players for society to function.

Being part of a group should never come at the expense of our individuality.

The questions remain:

  • Why is that so difficult to not care about what other think?
  • Why are we so conditioned to not trust our individuality?

As tribal members back in time, we needed that to survive. The answer lies in our biological evolution.

Being together made us thrive. Being casted out of the clan meant almost certain death. That’s why people are extremely afraid of being austracized.
In ancient times, only your immediate family and clan could exile you.

But now, because of social media, anyone can have an opinion about us.

Times have changed.

You can escape your environment and find friends who share your standards, values, and goals without putting your life at risk.

We are interconnected through the internet and our travelling capabilities.

But still,

developing the courage to be disliked is not easy, remember that it is in our nature to care what other people think.

So we are technically going against our own biology.

How to be courageous

Courage is to take the steps towards freedom. Trusting this process is a higher octave of raw courage. Having the courage to be disliked is the ultimate freedom.

Those who have accomplished great things, those who have held their life cheap for a high ideal, have not thought about it with their brains; their hearts have felt it. It is the heart quality that gives courage and bravery, not the brain. Therefore if one wants to seek for the divine power of the Almighty God, it should be sought for in one’s own heart.” — Hazrat Inayat Khan in “The Art of Being and Becoming

This is about finding the inner power source of our existence, which might be the equivalent to God.

Plugging your power cord into the unlimited energy source.

Let me expand on this..

The Science of your Heart

Research from the HeartMath Institute shows that the heart produces a powerful electromagnetic field. The heart's electrical field, measured in an electrocardiogram (ECG), is 60 times stronger than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG).

(The linked studies are at the end of this article.)

The electromagnetic field is shaped like a Torus.

The heart is the center of the torus. Like taking care of your muscles, you can also strengthen your connection to your heart. This field not only spreads throughout the body but also serves as a sensory organ, expanding out several feet.

It senses and detects the healthiest choices for your well-being.

When you deepen the connection with the wisdom & intelligence of this field, you will feel yourself towards a lighter existence. Lightness means being open, expanded, and aligned with your ultimate goals.

Your heart leading your brain is a path of amplified potential.

Let it show you the way!

Choosing the path of being. Without lack. Without anything attached to it.

“The Power of now” by Eckhart Tolle is a good book to take as a manual. To go from living in the overworried head, to the realms of awareness. And then to cultivate awareness. Here thought arises in a concsious way. Instead of thinking and identifying with thought as you.

"Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them." -Eckhart Tolle

You are no longer afforded to claim the luxury of victimhood.

I hope this helped!
Kiss Kiss,


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