Tarkan Turan
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Getting Rid of the Metals: Detoxification & Regeneration Protocol

Unlock a healthier you: Dive into the detox protocol that gets rid of neurotoxins, revives your system, and boosts vitality. Start your journey to regeneration.

Getting Rid of the Metals: Detoxification & Regeneration Protocol

In the last loveletter we spoke about the dangers of environmental toxins and that there is a hope.

The hope is the Neurotoxin Detox Protocoll by Dr. Klinghardt.

The Modern Day Cursemark: Amalgam Teethfillings

We know how devastating mercury even in small traces is to the nervous system through the Klinghardt thesis. These traces of mercury snatch their place in the nerves where normally needed metals like copper would nest.

You don't believe that amalgam can release mercury in dangerous amounts into the body? Have a look into this study: Rethinking the Dental Amalgam Dilemma: An Integrated Toxicological Approach”

In summary, sufficient data exists to raise serious concerns about the health impacts of mercury. The primary sources of mercury in the human body are dental amalgam fillings and the food chain. The continuous release of mercury, its presence in saliva, and the consumption of contaminated fish and seafood products pose a significant and escalating burden on human health.

Although a large portion of harmful mercury is eliminated from the body, some accumulates and is converted into organic mercury compounds that can reach the brain and remain there for years. Both acute and chronic exposure to mercury has been linked to numerous pathological conditions, including immune suppression, neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, hormonal imbalances, and gingivitis, to name a few of the more severe outcomes. This represents a substantial health burden that can shorten lifespans.

Recent studies have even identified associations between dental fillings and diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Several genes (GCLC, MT1M, MT4, ATP7B, and BDNF, currently used as biomarkers) respond to mercury exposure by either increasing mercury excretion or facilitating its accumulation. Consequently, specific genetic polymorphisms in mercury-reactive genes can influence mercury bioavailability, tissue accumulation, and resulting toxicity.

The connection between mercury exposure from amalgam dental fillings and associated symptoms is well-documented. Studies reveal that individuals with amalgam fillings exhibit higher mercury concentrations in their bodies compared to those without fillings.

Through the comparison of the nerves with electrical cables we can gain a glimps of understanding how much havoc these mercury molecules can wreck.

”Neurology works like electrical cables. Currents flow through nerve pathways. Metal is needed for currents to flow. Currents do not flow through fat or proteins, but they do flow through metals. Our neurons have metals integrated within them, and our nerves have a strong attraction to metals. Metals in the blood are pulled into the nerves. Naturally, it should be zinc, copper, magnesium, and the good metals.

But if there are fewer of these substances, the body also absorbs the harmful metals into its tissues. Mercury is one of the most prominent among these metals. Because mercury is highly mobile. When you break a mercury thermometer and see the small beads on the table, they disappear by the next day. Mercury evaporates at room temperature and even more quickly at body temperature. The predominant element in amalgam fillings, is dangerous with its potent neurotoxic effects.

Mercury is mainly a gas inside us. It moves through all tissues until it reaches the nerve that absorbs it. Then, it binds to proteins. Just as other metals, like thallium or strontium, it mostly ends up in the bones but also to some extent in the brain, but significantly in the bones. If we examine everything, we will always find that it leads to the brain and nervous system. In the end, we encounter either mercury or aluminum.”

— Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

The symptoms of mercury poisoning depend on the amount and form of mercury that enters the body. In cases of acute poisoning, gastrointestinal symptoms are the most prominent. If mercury enters the bloodstream, it accumulates in internal organs such as the liver and kidneys and damages nerve cells in the brain.

Symptoms of acute mercury poisoning include:

  • Corroded mucous membranes
  • Excessive salivation
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Reduced urine output

Symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning include:

  • Inflammation and ulcers of the oral mucosa
  • Dark line along the gum margin
  • Itching
  • Psychological symptoms: irritability, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, depression, psychosis
  • Damage to the central nervous system: tremors, speech disorders, vision and hearing impairments
  • Weight loss
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Kidney damage: reduced or no urine production

By explaining this connection in detail and showing how the cause of mercury poisoning impacts the symptoms, we aim to help you recognize the importance of targeted detoxification and explore ways to improve your health. Stay tuned, as in the next section, we will discuss methods of detoxification and regeneration in more detail.

Removing Amalgam Fillings?

Important note: Removing metal fillings can be a crucial step in reducing heavy metal exposure, but it’s essential to first assess your overall health. If you are currently dealing with severe health issues such as heavy metal toxicity, viruses, fungi, or parasites, removing these fillings might not be advisable immediately. In fact, it could worsen your condition.

The key is to ensure your body is stable and relatively healthy before undergoing such procedures. This perspective is based on extensive research and understanding of how the body reacts to the stress of metal removal. Always consult a healthcare professional to evaluate your specific situation and receive personalized advice.

However, if you are healthy and your system is resilient enough, use common sense in your decision-making process.

Should you keep the toxins in your mouth simply because there’s a risk of releasing them all at once during removal? Is that the long-term solution? Of course not. Perhaps your dentist wants to avoid potential damage, which is their responsibility.

Now, ask yourself responsibly: Are you willing to take the risk? If yes, seek a professional healthcare provider with experience in this area. Pay what they charge, as this is not a matter to compromise on. They will proceed with precision.

Keep in mind that many dentists are unaware of metal detoxification. From their perspective, these metals remain in your body permanently. Assume that they want the best for you, but take control of your health with informed decisions.

My experience of pain

And in my subjective experience, it felt like hell. The tricky thing here is, the accumulation of toxins in your nervous system happens silently over the years.

a fitting analogy here is the frog in boiling water example.

“The boiling frog is an apologue describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.”

— Wikipedia Boiling Frog

I think it was pure luck or a sudden wake up that one day I snapped out of this narcotic state; I immediately realized: Oh s****, my mouth tastes metallic. It was just too bad.

At the same time I realized that I wasn’t even able to process/feel emotions anymore. Instead of an emotion being a flow or rush of energy into certain body parts, it felt like the energy moved but could not expand in the destinated area. Instead, it created a strong itch which was very neurotically uncomfortable.

Thank god I came into objective observation that this is wrong. Because it is difficult to realize that something is wrong, when it has been creeping up over the years. And it's your nervous system, your direct experience with reality.

Also I was feeling cognitively handicapped when I reached the age of 22. Sometimes my brain farted for seconds and I could not get a proper response out in situations where I had to be sharp. Sometimes I stuttered without having control over it. It was strange because I never experienced these things before and I knew myself as fairly sharp.

So in reflection, I realized something was off.

Another problem, which was also due to me having done little to no sports as a child, my structural integrity was below average. I could not throw a ball without hurting myself. Lifting felt unstable. I could not sit straight for 2 hours. My left side of the body was significantly weaker than the right. Picking up heavy weights was a game of luck. I could not mentally catch up with a basketball while playing a match.

I was disembodied. Man I was there in the field, zoning out again and saying to myself: "Maybe I am meant to be an artist, not an athlete." And I was so wrong.

Step By Step Process

Dr. Klinghardt’s outlines a strategic method to rid our cells of mercury. This process is not a simple one-step cleanse but a coordinated effort that requires precision and understanding of the body's intricate systems.

“We must expel the mercury from the cell, we must move it from outside the cell through the matrix into a blood vessel, and then from the blood vessel to the kidney or the liver where it can then be excreted.”

— Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
  1. Binding to protein has to be solved. [Garlic]
  2. Mercury has to be channeled out of the cells, [Garlic]
  3. through the matrix(fascia) into the bloodstream. [Garlic]
  4. From the bloodstream to the kidney, liver or gut where it can be secreted out. [Chlorella]
  5. Blood Brain Barrier has to be opened [Cilantro]

Again 4. From the bloodstream to the kidney, liver or gut where it can be secreted out. [Chlorella]

Role of Wild Garlic:

  • Mobilizes the metals out of the cell and fascia
  • Transports it into bloodstream

The first step in this detoxification process involves breaking the bond mercury has formed with proteins within the cell. Mercury's affinity for binding to cellular proteins makes its expulsion a complex task. It's not merely about flushing out a toxin; it's about undoing a molecular grip that's been established within the cells.

The study „Comparative study on the efficacy of Allium sativum (garlic) in reducing some heavy metal accumulation in liver of wistar rats“  was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and protective effects of garlic extracts in reducing liver toxicity caused by mercury, lead, and cadmium.

Once the mercury is unbound, the next phase is to mobilize it out of the cells. This movement is critical because mercury, once released from its protein bindings, needs to be guided out of the cell effectively to prevent further damage or reabsorption. This step is where wild garlic plays its crucial role. Known for its potent health benefits, wild garlic has a specific ability to mobilize metals out of the cell and the fascia, acting as a shepherd guiding the mercury into the bloodstream where it can be processed further.

Role of Chlorella:

  • has best results in absorbtion of heavy metals (specifically Mercury)
  • solely role is to get the toxins out of the blood, binding them in the gut poop
  • Does not get the toxins out of cell or open blood brain barrier

The next component of this detox protocol is chlorella, a freshwater algae renowned for its detoxification properties (Read the study "The Long-Term Algae Extract (Chlorella and Fucus sp) and Aminosulphurate Supplementation Modulate SOD-1 Activity and Decrease Heavy Metals (Hg++, Sn) Levels in Patients with Long-Term Dental Titanium Implants and Amalgam Fillings Restorations").

Chlorella's role is essential: to bind with the mercury in the bloodstream and facilitate its excretion in the gut. Its efficacy in absorbing heavy metals, especially mercury, is unparalleled, ensuring that these toxins can be safely removed from the body via the kidneys or liver and ultimately excreted.

Role of Cilantro:

  • opens up the blood brain barrier
  • gets the metals out of the brain cells into the bloodstream together with wild garlic

The study „Morphohistometric analysis of the effects of Coriandrum sativum on cortical and cerebellar neurotoxicity“  found that lead (Pb) increased lead levels in the blood and tissues, which was harmful. However, when Coriandrum sativum (coriander) was introduced, these lead levels significantly decreased, which was beneficial.

Cilantro, a common culinary herb, has a unique property that allows it to open up the blood-brain barrier. This step is vital for detoxifying the brain, a critical aspect of heavy metal detox that cannot be overlooked. Cilantro works in tandem with wild garlic to pull mercury out of the brain cells and into the bloodstream, ensuring that this potent neurotoxin can be removed from one of the body's most critical areas.

WARNING: Cilantro comes into play once you have detoxified your body of significant amount of toxins. If you start using cilantro too early, the toxins in your bloodstream originally coming from the bodies matrix, gets channeled into your braincells. This can reintoxicate your brain and be dangerous.

As a rule of thumb, do not start using the cilantro until you are at least 4 weeks in (I would even suggest 5-6 weeks)

The Protocoll

There is many sources in the internet advising different volumes. The following volume is what I extracted from Dr. Klinghardts recommendation and my own experience doing it now for the third time.

The chronological order is as followed:

Chlorella intake:

  • 3-20 Pellets 2 times a day.
  • 1-2 hours before eating food.

Wild garlic:

  • after food intake, one teaspoon (~20 drops) of wild garlic essence
  • Do this for 4-6 weeks before starting with cilantro.

Adding Cilantro

  • 2-10 drops, 2 hours before meal, 2 times a day

Every 9th day of the detox, take large amounts of chlorella (~50 Pellets) per day.
The day after, take no Chlorella.
The third day, continue with the standard protocol.

It is important to state that the chlorella should be in your body for 1-2 hours before you take in the wild garlic and cilantro to ensure toxin absorption.


“The process of detoxification must be approached methodically to ensure effectiveness and safety. Initially, it's crucial to address the pathways through which toxins, particularly heavy metals like mercury, enter the body. If toxins were ingested, cleansing the digestive system is a priority. For inhaled substances, clearing the lungs is essential. The next step involves purifying the connective tissue matrix before directly targeting the cells where the damage has occurred.”

A common mistake in detoxification efforts is prematurely focusing on cellular detoxification. This can lead to unintended consequences. For example, if substances designed to cleanse the cell are introduced too early, they can cause the mercury present outside the cell to flood into it, thereby increasing the cell's toxicity. This counterproductive outcome highlights the importance of the detoxification sequence—cleaning the extracellular environment before attempting to detoxify the cells themselves.

Successfully detoxifying the body requires not only the correct sequence but also the use of appropriate substances. The art of detoxification lies in balancing these elements to effectively remove toxins without exacerbating the problem. This approach is invaluable in achieving a thorough and safe detoxification process.

— Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

IMPORTANT: Crisis Management during unpredictable waves of toxin release, “die-off” effects or “cytokine storms”

Step 1: increase the binders [immediate increase of Chlorella intake]
Step 2: check saliva (6.7) and urine pH (6.2) – consider tri-salts or sodium bicarbonate
Step 3: Colon hydrotherapy plus sauna
Step 4: add massage, or better, lymphatic drainage massage. Best: neural therapy (procaine injections to affected ganglia, segmental treatment of liver, small intestine and kidney)
Step 5: parenteral treatment (if available or affordable): v. Vit C (37.5-50 grams) + alpha lipoic acid (75 mg) + glutathione (1200 mg) i.m magnesium sulf.(2.5 ml +2.5% Procaine) i.v. aminoacids

Finally, Pain Relieve & Even More Benefits!

Doing these detoxes helped me gain back my quality of life. Finally, I could process and feel emotions like they’re meant to be experienced. My Emotions were able to to flow again. Instead of a huge itch in the butt, I felt warmth and flow in my body again. I could feel a spectrum of different emotions again. Warmth was present again. Of course as a result, my life changed drastically too.

Also my mental processing speed was seamless again. No weird brain farts; I was fairly sharp anymore.

My coordination and reaction speed got better, I could move with ease and I got even better than most people in my weightclass. I know that because I could mess with guys 20 kilos heavier than me that were blue belts, when I was a white belt (I was 65 Kilos) in Jiu Jitsu.

Let me tell you, when you spend 10 years in your life figuring out how to balance your inner equilibrium because it is fucked up: Once you heal, you are ahead of most people because of your sensibility. My coach said I have a very good sense of balance, which I prescribe to my painful process of balancing out a fucked up body.

So, no doubts about the benefits of starting this protocol.

Regeneration Surpasses Sustainability & Bypasses Entropy

Remember, the world around us is filled with challenges, but knowledge, discernment and action are our most potent tools. By understanding the dangers posed by environmental toxins and taking deliberate steps toward detoxification, we're not only are more conscious about how we poison our surroundings/ourselves and heal ourselfes along the way, but we also contribute into the preservation of DNA for future generation.

If you want to take care of tomorrow, take care of today.

The protocol we've explored offers a systematic approach to detoxifying our bodies, harnessing the power of nature—wild garlic, cilantro, and chlorella—to mobilize, bind, and eliminate these toxins.

I encourage you to embrace this knowledge not as a burden, but as a gateway to empowerment. Awareness is the first step toward transformation. By acknowledging the impact of environmental toxins and taking informed action to counteract their effects, you're paving the way for a healthier, more vibrant life.

Choose Yourself!

Let this be your call to action: to live consciously, to choose regeneration over degradation, and to be an agent of change in your own life and the world around you.

Remember, the path to regeneration starts with a single step. Take that step and let's walk this journey together, towards a future where health and holistic understanding of human health reign supreme.

Kiss Kiss,


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