Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

Freedom Seekers Guide for Effortless & Painfree Lifestyle Design (free ebook)

Freedom Seekers Guide for Effortless & Painfree Lifestyle Design (free ebook)

Yes, it’s not Saturday.

But I have a present for you.
My little ebook is done.

You can have it for free.

Scroll down to the end of this E-mail
if you want to download it right away.

In this little PDF called
“4 Step Freedom Seekers Guide for Effortless & Painfree Lifestyle Design”
you will learn how to establish a life of:

- freedom,

- flexibility,

- and the ability to blend travel & career.


By cutting out the bullshit,
focussing on the fundamentals, and thereby finding your truth.

And I mean YOUR truth,

not the truth.

“Happiness is in the physical world,
what truth is in the spiritual world
Happiness is a spiritual quest.
If you live your truth, you are happy.”

— Tarkan Turan

What is Lifestyle Design?

Lifestyle design is about decreasing negative stress (making it comfortable) for yourself, so you can increase positive stress (bear more uncomfortability).

— what do I mean by that?

Positive stress is short lived, intentional, exciting, stimulating, challenging stress.

Negative stress is stretching long, chronic, unconscious, and draining stress.

Lifestyle design is designing your lifestyle — Good design is based on a good user experience.

You are the user of your Lifestyle.

The product(life) that is created should be easily usable, create little to no frustrations and of course should deliver value.

If we translate that to lifestyle design, we aim to create a life that is:

  • 1st easy to use,
  • 2nd smooth in application
  • and 3rd gives us value

What is value?

  • Make more money
  • Free up more time
  • Increase life enjoyment
  • End unconscious pains
  • Boost self-esteem

That is applicable through the art of first habit forming & then habit stacking. These are concepts described in the famous book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear.

Habit forming is said, by James, to be more effective to reach your goals in life than to be focused on the goal itself.

His approach is for a paradigm shift from goal focus to habit focus.

That creates the actual repetitive doing of the actual thing in order to DO the THING.

Your outcome orientation changes to habit forming,

which will lead to you reaching that goal.

One thing I learned in my little 27 years is that you can not cheat your way through life.

If you have certain aims in life, you can not avoid putting the pure amount of hours into it, in order to master it (Robert Greene talks about 10.000 hours for aquiring mastery in his book “Mastery”).

There is no cheat code.

“The only real shortcut is not taking shortcuts.” — Dan Koe

Put the hours in & ask yourself how to design it in a way that creates ease in your life.

Not less, not more.

Have fun reading this & I hope you will Enjoy.

Kiss Kiss,


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