Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

For Freedom Chasers: What is a Sovereign Citizen?

For Freedom Chasers: What is a Sovereign Citizen?

The Unseen Chains of Modern Existence

In the quiet corners of our lives lurk agreements we never realized we made.
We all follow rules that we can't even see.

In my personal life, I have given consent to things I wish I could have never done:

Getting circumcised.

Getting an Amalgam tooth filling.

Getting into jobs my stepfather was enforcing on me.

They can have detrimental effects on our health and well-being.
In short term, as well as long term.

These are like invisible ropes that keep us from moving freely.
We didn't choose these rules, but we follow them without even thinking.

That is the vulnerability of a child.

The hidden rules of how we live, what we think, and what we do.
Everyone has their individual, karmic baggage.

These chains are subtle, so much so that we might spend our entire lives never realizing their weight.

Yet, they dictate the limits of our sky, quietly enclosing us within walls we never knew we built.

It's about the profound agreements made at a mental and spiritual level,

the ones that whisper to us….

who we should be, what we can do, and where we can go.

There may be agreements you made before being birthed here.

Thats why certain things happened to you as a child.

They might be not benefitting you anymore.

You got rid of them…
Just like I did with my toothfilling.

But still, the nets of agreements woven in prior times may still be there.
And I will show you how to get rid of them.

The Silent Agreements of Control

The irony is stark.

In an age of liberation, many muggles live in mental slavery.
Many of us wander.

It's a silent epidemic of mental and spiritual constraints that suffocate potential and cloud clarity.

Yet, acknowledging these chains is the first step toward breaking them.
Understanding the nature of these agreements,

how they came to be,
and how they continue to shape our existence,
is the beginning of reclaiming our sovereignty.

Deep inside we find a complex web of consent,

a bunch of commitments made without our conscious choice.
Maybe long time ago.

But within this realization lies hope —
the power to see these chains is the power to break them.

It's an invitation to awake from the slumber of sleep and to step into a life defined by conscious choice, clarity, and true freedom.

This is about turning from being tied down without knowing it,

to moving freely,
with our eyes wide open.

It's here, in this moment of seeing,

When we say 'yes' to things without really thinking
or just do things because that's how everyone else does them,
we're following these hidden rules.

The tricky thing here is,

sometimes no answer at all … could be taken as a yes to the other.

And these past agreements & rules…

they limit what we can do and who we can be.

They are like invisible hands that guide us,

but sometimes they push us where we do not want to go.

This is what some people call 'mental slavery' —
when our minds are trapped by rules we did not consciously choose.

It's like walking with a blindfold.
We keep moving, but we don't really see where we're going or understand why we're going there.

This problem is big, and it's everywhere.
They whisper, "This is just how things are," and we listen,
even if deep down we wish for something more.

Since in this lifetime, you have been only knowing about your limits,
breaking out of them feels like a metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly.

Growing new skin.

Or like turning on the light in a dark room.

Suddenly, we can see the ropes that tie us down, and we can start untying them.

This is about finding our voice and our choice.

It's about saying, "I see these rules, but I choose my own path."
Sovereign and united.

The Power of "No"

Sovereignty is a big word.
We look closely at every choice we make.

We ask, "Is this really what I want, or is it what someone else wants for me?"

It's like peeling an onion, layer by layer.

Because it's about finding and living our truest, freest selves.

My Brother Sevan (Innerstanding on Youtube) taught me a lot about being a Sovereign.

Youtube Video “What a Sovereign Mindset Really Is”

There are many invisible forces trying to steer our ship.
On the internet, every click and consent to cookies shapes the sea of data we swim in.

Even our cravings for sweets might not be truly ours.
They might be whispers from parasites in our bodies, demanding sugar for their own feast.

The stage set up by “controlled opposition”,
it is exactly what it’s name says.
It's where you control the opposition.
And make it seem like there is free choice.

A good example are political parties.
both sides of any dichotomy,

both sides of any Paradigm.

They are controlled and feed into the same Arena

and they feed into the same play.

Sometimes, the ghosts of old authority figures, like parents or teachers, can be like winds pushing us off course.

They might make us chase approval or success in ways that don't really make us happy.

Maybe in this incarnation, you carry a karmic bourden.

And now, you are ready to outgrow it.
You can escape them!

But by the Law of Free Will,
there has to be a definite “No” from you.




In history, when a king or queen said "No," it meant something big.

It could stop wars or start new laws.

Today, when you say "No,"
it's just as powerful in your life.

It's you telling the world that you're in charge of what happens to you.

But sovereignty isn't just about history;
it's also about something deeper and bigger than what we can see.

It's about who we are on the inside.

When we say "No" to things we don't want, we act in accordance to the universal law of free will.

"This is who I am, and I decide what happens to me.

And if you oppose my free will, I am ready to die for it."

Of course, this is a much bigger and nuanced problem than just explained.

But in it’s simplest form, control is being projected through the fear of physical death.

Divide and conquer, through fear and shame.

The Ritual of Release: The Importance of Wet Ink

Saying "No" can sometimes feel scary because it's so powerful.
It's about being brave, being honest, and being in charge.

Putting your name on this paper is a promise.
Signing is a big step — a real act that says your words and dreams are strong and true.

Throughout history, putting ink to paper has been our way of saying something matters.

Leaders have signed treaties with wet ink, making promises real.

Fools lost all of their belongings, because they signed without reading.

When you sign something, it's not just words; it's a part of you, a promise that you can touch and see.

People have always believed there's a bit of magic in this act.
It's like your signature holds a piece of your spirit.

So when you sign with wet ink, you're not just writing your name;

you're putting a piece of your heart into your promise,

making it strong and true.

It's a simple act, but it's powerful.

Articulating Freedom

This Document has been written and articulated from every angle possible.

It goes down every possible rabbit hole of how a human can be controlled in the physical as well as the metaphysical.

It is in my greatest care that you will not only benefit from what is written by signing it,

but also by reading what has been written.

This document gives insight into all the hidden layers of control that could have been assigned to you over the course of lifetime(s).

It’s not to make you paranoid.

Do not worry,

Nobody said that everything applies to everyone.

It is for making sure that we go through every layer

and peel them back accordingly.

The Practical Steps: Utilizing the Declaration

  1. Read Carefully:

Before anything else, read it completely.

Each word, each line has weight.

Understand what you commit to;

know the ground you stand on.

  1. Sign Every Page:

Your signature is your word.

If you agree with what is written:

Every page, sign it.

Let each page carry the mark of your understanding and agreement.

  1. Use Wet Ink:

Do not hurry this.

Use a pen, real and heavy with ink.

Each signature is a pledge, a physical act binding your intent to this document.

You are not just signing a paper;

you are setting down your boundaries.

Read, understand, and sign.

This is your declaration, your terms, your stand.

Understanding the Limits: What the Declaration Can and Cannot Do

This „Declaration of Non-Consent“ („Document“) is a personal expression of preferences and boundaries by the user.

It is intended solely for personal, educational, or entertainment purposes and is not a legally binding document.

It is not recognized as enforceable, valid, or legally effective in any court or legal setting.

The Document is intended as a personal declaration for individual use and does not constitute legal, medical, or professional advice.

It is designed to express the user‘s personal preferences and boundaries in matters of consent and personal autonomy.

To provide a quantum leap in personal development.

A New Dawn of Sovereign Living

As we sign our names and declare our non-consent, we join a chorus of voices,

past and present,
who have chosen sovereignty over submission,
freedom over unseen chains.

Signing this will shift your whole energetic field.
Change timelines,
and propel you towards a future of freedom.

A certain level of consciousness or understanding is necessary to claim or exercise one's rights.

Youtube Video “Adepts Only - Dialing in Ancient Sovereignty”

“Rights are for the Wake.”

You can have all the rights of a sovereign life…
But if you do not exercise them,
they will be forgotten and overstepped.

Remember this.

And welcome to a new dawn of sovereign living.
The age of awakening is upon us.
Everyone, in their own way.
Towards freedom and peace,

with Mama Earth,

leading with our hearts towards truth.

Hold Your Head High!

Now's the time.
Stand up and walk towards the freedom that's rightfully yours.

Download the "Declaration of Non Consent," make it yours, sign it.
Find the declaration here.

It's your first step on the path to sovereignty, a bold claim of your space and right in this world.

Don't just sign and forget.

Live it.
Notice the changes, big and small.

Are you aware of the subtle changes happening when you've claimed your freedom?

Write your experiences down.
Send them to me — I want to see.

Share your journey, your struggles, your victories.

Your story will light the way for others.

Be part of a community that chooses to live wide awake, sovereign in every step.

This is your invitation.

The door's open.

Walk through it.

Kiss Kiss,

Tarkan Turan


Innerstanding on Youtube:
Youtube Video “What a Sovereign Mindset Really Is
Youtube Video “Adepts Only - Dialing in Ancient Sovereignty”

Buy & Download:
Declaration of Non Consent Document

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