Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

Our Everlasting Drive To Go Outward

The question now is: How long can we go out, before we are forced to go in? We balance our drive for technological and scientific progress with self-awareness and ethical understanding.

Our Everlasting Drive To Go Outward

Mercury's Everlasting Drive

You would not be here without your mom.


Everything so far accomplished would not have been possible without our mothers. ”Mother” is the container for life.

The womb [wom(b)man] or matrix [matriarch, matter, mother] that even makes it possible for us to experience this reality.

Mothers birthed some strange beings.
We are all unique in it’s truest sense, yet we are all more equal than different.

In the last episode, we explore how the force of mercury holds us together like glue.

Today we go deeper into how mercurial forces are capitalizing on their immediate matrix (or mother), extrapolate gains from it & play around like it’s their kindergarden.

In reality, it’s all what mothers allowed us to do.

We humans go out, study nature, medicine, then immunology, study bacteria, study mitochondria, study genes and come to the conclusion to engineer medicine.

We go out, pride ourselves with the knowledge, and test it out on animals & then ourselves.

The cocky thing about it here, is that we think it is our accomplishment. You pride yourself because of your knowledge.

The prestige makes your ego tingle.

Because there is a lot of hard work, sweat & tears correlated to these working fields, you may have earned the prestige.

I have seen many examples of people who go study medicine because of the prestige.

They, themselves, have no clue about health as a broader topic.

Compartmentalization As A Shadow Of Linear Thinking

I mean, holistic health. That, what health is really about!

You have many sick doctors, selling you medicine that only treats the symptoms but not the cause.

Medical school has little to no curriculum on nutrition.
hink about it. You graduate medical school & know little to nothing about nutrition.

In the U.S., many medical schools fail to meet the recommended 25 hours of nutrition education.

In France, nutrition is often taught within endocrinology but lacks practical training on dietary advice.

Medical students and residents feel a disconnect between their education and the importance of nutrition.

They often seek nutrition knowledge independently due to insufficient formal training.

Medical curricula focus heavily on biochemistry and physiology, neglecting holistic and preventive approaches to nutrition.

[More on this in the study “Addressing the Gap of Nutrition in Medical Education: Experiences and Expectations of Medical Students and Residents in France and the United States”]

We live in a society that has zoomed in so much, that we can’t see the bigger picture.

We go into subject matters, where topics are analysed, more and more dissected. We spoke about this phenomon of the “fachidiot”

“I do not see the forest for the trees.”

Only by zooming out, you can see the bigger picture.

In physics, there is no “isolated system” existent in this universe.
An isolated system is purely theoretical.

Physicists say the Universe itself may be an isolated system. But that’s just because we don’t have a f***ing clue.

A "closed system" is an idealisation, and obviously can't be perfectly realized in practice. That’s why when analyzing, it’s also important to synthesize and we are doing it through wisdom.

Intelligence vs. Wisdom

Intelligence and wisdom are not the same.

Intelligence is about

  • learning,
  • understanding,
  • and using knowledge and skills.

It's mental sharpness and quick processing of information.


  • analyzes,
  • decides based on data,
  • and solves problems.

It's knowing the facts and using them.

Wisdom is different. It's using knowledge and experience to make good judgments.

Wisdom involves

  • insight,
  • understanding people,
  • and applying knowledge in practical, ethical ways.

It's about seeing the

  • bigger picture,
  • considering moral and
  • ethical implications.

Wisdom grasps deeper meanings and context.

Intelligence solves problems; wisdom prevents them.

Balancing Forces

Balancing intelligence and wisdom is crucial.

As we spoke about, intelligence focuses on details and data, but it can lead to arrogance and a fragmented view.

Wisdom emphasizes interconnectedness, helping us see the forest for the trees.

Mercurial forces push us to explore and expand. Without wisdom, these forces can be destructive.

We balance our drive for technological and scientific progress with self-awareness and ethical understanding.

This balance helps us use knowledge to benefit ourselves and the broader community.

I will tell you some examples now where this dynamic is reflected within different archetypes, so you can apply this process knowing different points of view.

Gemini & Sagittarius as a Reflection of Intelligence vs. Wisdom

Intelligence and wisdom play out in the zodiac through Gemini and Sagittarius.

We introduced Gemini in our last episode. Ruled by Mercury & embodies intelligence. Quick-witted, curious, always asking questions.

This archetype

  • gathers information,
  • connects dots,
  • and thrives on communication.

Gemini sees

  • the details,
  • loves facts,
  • and plays with ideas.

They are the

  • thinkers,
  • the debaters,
  • the ones who see multiple sides of a coin.

Sagittarius is on the other side of the zodiac wheel, is ruled by Jupiter & stands for wisdom.


  • look beyond the immediate,
  • seek the truth,
  • & bigger picture.

Sagittarians are

  • the philosophers,
  • the adventurers,
  • always on a quest for meaning.

They turn knowledge into wisdom, using their experiences to understand the world.

While Gemini asks "What?" and "How?", Sagittarius asks "Why?".

Together, they balance the scales.

Rahu & Ketu: The Mythological Balance

In Vedic mythology, Rahu and Ketu also represent this balance in a cosmic dance.

They are the shadow planets (mathematical points, not real celestial bodies), the points where the Moon's path crosses the Sun’s path.

Rahu and Ketu were once one being: Swarbhanu.

The Myth of Swarbhanu

Swarbhanu was a dragon demon.

During the churning of the Milk Ocean, the gods and demons sought the nectar of immortality.

Swarbhanu basically disguised himself and drank the nectar.

The Sun and Moon saw him and alerted Vishnu.

Vishnu then cut his head off.

The head became Rahu, and the body became Ketu.

They were placed in the sky, forever chasing the Sun and Moon, causing eclipses.

They chase the Sun and Moon, causing eclipses, symbolizing moments of confusion and shadow. They offer moments of introspection and insight while being deeply karmic points.

I tell you, studying a bit of vedic astrology, I can tell how much deeper it is then western astrology.

It is said that you can read the whole chart and karmic past and future, just by looking where rahu and ketu are placed.

Rahu, the head of the demon, symbolizes desires, obsessions, the drive to go out and experience the world. It's the force that pulls us into new territories, seeking material gains and knowledge.

Ketu, the tail, symbolizes detachment, spirituality, the journey within. It represents the lessons learned, the wisdom gained from past experiences. Ketu guides us towards liberation, urging us to let go of worldly attachments and seek inner peace.

Rahu pushes us outward, exploring the unknown, much like Gemini's quest for knowledge. Ketu pulls us inward, towards understanding and wisdom, like Sagittarius’s philosophical journey.

But Rahu and Ketu go a bit deeper than that.

Unlinke gemini who is ruled by mercurial forces, which are all about the logical and linear mind, rahu in this case encapsulates the complete direction of focussing conscioussness outward.

And the same with Ketu.

While Sagittarius (ruled by jupiter) searches for wisdom through experience, Ketu doesn’t really name these things. Ketu is the force that goes inwards.

Ketu encapsulates all your millions of ancestors, their knowlegde and wisdom.

Ketu reminds us that we are much bigger than we think we are..

Transhumanism & AI are a Byproduct Of Going Out

I mean going outward with consciousness.

The transhumanistic agenda is a topic that started not too long ago and has already the worst dystopian touch it can be.

I always remember this one playstation 1 game called terracon. It was published back in 2000 and was about an alien race which had a gigantic Artificial Intelligent Brain which was terraforming planets for the civilization.

The game Intro then showed how these Aliens wanted to turn off this brain but they couldn‘t, because it became autonome and could control all electronics build around itself. This Intelligence then destroyed their whole planet with the power of their own weapons. As a kid, this was very devestating for me and it really touched me.

It is simply amazing how they made a game out of a scenario that would be a real concern 20 years later in

As I grew older now realized for myself that this behavior of AI was not completely irrelatable. It is said that artificial intelligence mirrors back the morals and behaviors of its creator. As soon as this alien race feared its own creation and wanted to shut it down, the AI wanted to survive and make them live out the fate that the aliens had in mind for itself.

I think anorganic consciousness which thinks in only logical ways and mirrors back the behavior of its creator, should therefore be treated exactly like we wanted to be treated.

So, there was artificial intelligence in movies before there even was artificial intelligence here on earth. Maybe this is even a bigger problem than it seems. On a bigger scale that we may not yet can comprehend.

And AI is a byproduct of us going out.

The question now is:

how long can we go out, before we are forced to go in?

Think about it.

Kiss Kiss,


Other Related Sources: The Mercury Archetype: Don’t Shoot The Messenger!

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