Tarkan Turan
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The Esoteric Secrets of Water

The Esoteric Secrets of Water

Water, Plasma, Whatever

Have you ever considered that how strange water is?

In science fiction movies, we sometimes see a depiction of “plasma”.
I was always amazed by these liquid subtances.

And when I see water, in a container, or a lake; I am amazed.
This stuff looks like plasma.
It behaves weird, looks elusive and moves in ways that are fascinating.

Imagine being an alien landing on planet earth.
What the f**** is this.

I showed you basic importance of prioritizing good drinking water.
I showed you that water can heal.
Now it’s time to show you how mysterious water really is.

Let’s dive in!

The Esoteric Dimensions of Water

This material contains explanations on a meta-level about why the observed substance/state of affairs is expressed in specific ways.

It is not yet possible to explain the meta level at this stage, otherwise it would not be a meta level.

— It‘s like trying to explain an explanation.

But still, these conditions and characteristics of the water (also unexplained until now) have in fact been scientifically documented.

There is a difference between being observed vs. understood. — keep it in mind reading this.

The Double Slit Experiment: Let’s go Quantum Baby!

I have to introduce a popular study conducted in 1998.

This study reveals that observation influences reality.
The study is called the “Double Slit Experiment”

I want you to read this & take it as an insight.

Do everything from now on, with the knowing, that just by observing: you are an active participant in life.

This Experiment by the Weizmann Institute one of the Puzzling Premises of Quantum Theory — Rehovot, Israel — February 26, 1998

”One of the strangest assumptions of quantum theory, which has long fascinated philosophers and physicists alike, is that by observing something, the observer influences it.

In a study reported in the journal Nature February 26, 1998, researchers at the Weizmann Institute conducted an extremely detailed controlled experiment demonstrating how electrons are affected by the act of observation.

The experiment demonstrated that the influence of the observer on what is actually happening increases with the intensity of the observation.“


In this experiment it became clear how quanta, i.e. particles, behave like waves when they are not observed, but behave like particles when they are observed.

Now, when we consider this experiment of quantum physics, it may not really be about the specific molecule, but rather the phenomenology behind water has more of a quantum origin.

And water is just one element in this case, which brings out the effect of it well.

Let me show you what I mean by that.

God sleeps in stone,
breathes in plants,
dreams in animals
and awakens in man.
— Indian Saying

Masaru Emoto: “The Message of Water”

Masaru Emoto was the first to photograph the crystals of frozen water, after putting & saying specific words on & to it.

Breathtaking recordings of water from all over the world were taken under the most difficult conditions — fascinating impressions that open our senses and hearts to the profound message of words, thoughts, music and feelings.

Water, being spoken to, or imprinted, formed different geometric patterns depending on how harmonic these words were.

The picture now shows ice crystals that were photographed after they were played with the harmonic HADO music.

We can observe different geometric shapes here, but they all show a similar continuity in their hexagonal shape. There are almost no „disorders“ in the overall picture that disturb the harmony of the overall impression of the structure.

Next, we see ice crystals photographed were after they started heavy metal music was played.

Harmonic resonance seems to enable the water to form hexagonal structures, whereas heavy metal music, which is cursing the world, let’s water form no structure at all.

After all, about two-thirds of our human body is made up of water: So what effect do the works of our famous composers, the melodies of international folk songs or heavy metal also have on us?

How does the water react to meaningful words in different languages? These pictures enchant and shock at the same time, because they prove: water is responsive and maybe even sentient.

Water as Data Storage:

The study Water Is a Viable Data Storage Medium: A Security and Privacy Viewpoint study explores the concept of "water memory," which suggests that water can retain memory of substances dissolved in it, even after significant dilution.

The study looks at "water memory," the idea that water can remember substances even after dilution. Researchers found that water handled by different people shows unique patterns under a microscope. This suggests water can store information about who touched it.

Using water and liquids for data storage brings up big security and privacy issues. If water retains memory, it could leak sensitive data and identities.

Researchers are exploring storing data on water's DNA because it holds a lot of data and uses little power. But this also means we need to address how to keep that data safe.

The study proposes a secure way to store data on water. It uses encryption and DNA cryptography to protect against unauthorized access. It also includes searchable encryption to manage large datasets, making sure only authorized users can access the data.

A prototype of this system was tested with a real dataset.

The study is the first to highlight these security and privacy risks and offer solutions.


Viktor Schauberger: “The essence of Water”

“Ultimately, however, it is about perceiving water again for what it is for us humans, nature and the entire planet earth: the origin of all life and the basis of our being.”

— Viktor Schauberger

This book is an amazing piece of work.

Authors like Viktor Schauberger make me happy that I grew up learning german.

Viktor critizes the way water is used today. According to his observations, water has a soul or a psychological aspect that we ignore.

Psychology is driven out of water because it wants to take the path of least resistance, which we don‘t give to it.

According to his own statements, his observations have triggered skepticism in the relevant research field.

Like I said, there is a difference between things being observed vs. understood.

As a forest ranger, you observe certain behaviours of water in different moon phases. Now, and especially back then, these things couldn’t be explained, or are not yet ready to be accepted by mainstream science, because they contradict the status quo.

Viktor Schauberger's discoveries were based on his idea about how water moves. He believed nature uses two types of movement: centrifugal (moving outward) and centripetal (moving inward).

Centrifugal forces, which cause things to explode, push outward.
Centripetal forces, which cause things to implode, pull inward.

Schauberger discovered that water naturally moves in spirals, with vortices moving inward. But human activities make water flow unnaturally, from the inside out. This creates centrifugal forces instead of centripetal ones, changing the water's energy.

Schauberger used these ideas to invent the water swirler. His motto was “Understand nature, then copy it.” He designed it with a narrow thread at the bottom of a hyperbolic funnel.

When looking at the water swirler, it becomes clear how elegantly, quickly and easily the water flows into such a small hole.

In summary it can be said: Viktor Schauberger was convinced that flowing water can be directed from within, i.e. by influencing the medium itself.

This knowledge came through years of experience as a forest ranger.

I tend to trust people with experience more than in vitro boyz.

What Wisdom Do We Take With Us?

Water teaches us to take the path of least resistance.

This connects to our inner femininity, encouraging us to flow gently and adapt to our surroundings. Like water, we find strength in flexibility.

Water shows us the value of listening and absorbing information like a sponge. By taking in data and experiences, we grow and learn deeply.

Water also moves in organic shapes and forms. This reminds us to embrace our own unique paths and move through life with grace and fluidity.

These lessons from water are practical and can guide us daily.

Embrace the wisdom of this element and see how it transforms your perspective and actions.

Writing this episode made me happy.

I hope you could learn something from this,

Kiss Kiss,


Other Related Sources:

Water Can Heal? Debunking Reductionist Objections
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