Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

I am Breaking The Habit Tonight

I am Breaking The Habit Tonight

Why is it so difficult for us to change our ways?
Why are we so chained in our habits?

In order for us to change things, we need to break habits.
Habit’s aren’t easy to break.
These are pathways in our nervous system.

In this episode, I will show you a way to change your life drastically. By learning to break a habit, easily.

  • no forcing anything
  • no complicated systems
  • no supernatural powers required

The reason we are so stuck in our daily life’s is because it’s all complicated.


We are living in a over compartmentalised system that wants us to overuse the analytical mind.

There is a term in german called “Fachidiot”. That’s a term for someone who is so specialized into one field, that he is an idiot.

The western society and school system rewards highly specialized knowledge.
We get rewarded for being a “Fachidiot”.
We get all the badges, honors, certifications.

And then, as long as you follow the given path of doing what is expected from you,
everything is well.

But as soon as you want to stay on your own legs, not being dependend on the system: you quickly realize that you lack certain skills.

What Skills?

The skills of standing on your own legs.
The past, back when we were tribal members, belonged to the synthesizers.

While everybody had their respective role, everybody also had to have a certain level of skills in every field.

Basic survival skills.

Knowing how to make a fire, stuff like this.

And that’s why our brains where much more connected to the All.
Because we needed to make sense of it all.

The people who see correlations between seemingly different things,
seeing the pattern of holism that is present within everything.

If we would be more in tune with nature, we would see that nature is syn-tropic.

Nature works as a whole. in Unity.

And the whole reason of climate change, pollution and corruption is rooted in our lack of ability to understand that we function as—one.

The Synergistic Thinker

In order to see the world as a whole, as a unit, as 1— you, internally, need to be in unity too.

We spoke about the importance of synchronizing our 3 brains. The so called holy trinity; as

  • the Head Brain (Cephalic Brain),
  • Heart Brain (Cardiac Brain) and
  • Gut Brain (Enteric Brain)

in the “What Is Your Dream, What Is Your Truth? ” episode.

Here we go deeper into the Head Brain,
the big ball of neurons between your ears.
Which is divided in 2.
We have 2 brain hemispheres.

And we do have hemispheric asymmetry— which means they are two opposite ways of thinking and seeing the world.

  • The creative, synthezising, zooming out
  • and the measuring, analyzing, zooming in part of the consiousness.

They are working antagonistically, and we need to synchronize them too, in order to be powerful.

The Creative Part

The creative part is your right hemisphere, the wild, untamed space of your mind where everything is possible.

It’s the child painting without a care, the daydreamer staring out the window, the poet that finds words in the wind.

It doesn’t ask for permission or approval—it just creates. It’s the part of you that sees the connections between things, that allows you to think in spirals and webs, not straight lines.

This part of you doesn’t care about limits or labels.
It’s pure possibility.

It’s the spark that can set everything in motion.
But here’s the catch—it’s also the part of you that can get lost in the clouds if there’s no structure. It needs room to breathe, but also a framework to shape what it envisions.

The Measuring Part

The measuring part is your left hemisphere, the side of the brain that gives everything its shape and structure.

It’s the carpenter that builds the house, the mathematician solving the equation, the writer turning a vision into a manuscript.

It’s the part of you that draws lines, sets limits, and makes things real.

Without the measuring part, creativity would remain a blur of colors and ideas with no form. It’s the balance, the check, the structure that turns the dream into something you can hold in your hands.

But here’s the thing—this part of you can also suffocate your creativity if it’s not kept in check. If all you do is measure, analyze, and critique, the creative spark flickers and fades.

The Powerful Flow State and One-ness

So if these qualities both are in harmony, your brain works as one. You no longer have two different voices in your head, but one. You are in flow.

This is where spiritual illumination happens.

Think about it: When your mind stops overanalyzing and becomes fully present, your body can begin to heal.

Dr. Joe Dispenza has documented countless cases where people have experienced spontaneous healings and dramatic shifts in their well-being by tapping into this state.

It’s not magic. It’s biology. When the brain enters coherence, the nervous system, heart, and body follow.

It’s like flipping a switch that lets your natural healing mechanisms take over. All those “impossible” outcomes—people healing from chronic illnesses, transforming their lives—happen when the analytical mind shuts off, and the brain operates in harmony.

Read more about "Demystifying a Transcendental Moment" by Dr. Joe Dispenza

This is why the Placebo effect is valid.
The mind is more powerful than you think.

You just have to really believe it.

And believing it means embodying it.

Kiss Kiss,


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