Tarkan Turan
Tarkan Turan Signature

The Alchemists Guide to avoid Sickness

Alchemists often saw the body as a microcosm of the universe, believing in the balance of elements (earth, air, fire, water) within.

The Alchemists Guide to avoid Sickness

Our Fixation on a Singular Narrative

Our understanding of health is boxed in.

Boxed in by dogmatic religion and science.

We have been handed a pair of glasses that only show us one color of the rainbow.

This color?

It's the reductionist, materialistic, mainstream scientific view – Germ Theory, pharmaceuticals, and a hyper-focus on pathogens.

Now, don't get me wrong, these aspects are crucial, but they're just slices of a much larger pie.

The big problem here is our fixation on a singular narrative.

Science, with all its marvels, has sometimes led us down a tunnel-vision path.

Remember the days when they said smoking was harmless and even healthy?

Yeah, history is littered with 'scientific truths' that later turned out to be not so true.

Western Society is sicker than ever.

We're seeing more neurological illnesses, skin disorders in kids, and a whole range of health issues that were unheard of 30 years ago.

Obesity rates skyrocket.

But we are more convinced about science in healthcare than ever.

This rigid mindset extends to how we view sickness.

It’s conditioned to immediately reach for a pill at the slightest sniffle or cough.

Dude, we're missing the forest for the trees.

We have two main theories about germs and viruses causing illness.

The first is Germ Theory, widely accepted and endorsed by medical institutions.

It suggests that diseases are primarily caused by microorganisms that invade our bodies.

On the other hand, there's Terrain Theory.

This theory receives significant criticism and is often dismissed as too abstract or metaphysical.

It proposes that the overall health and condition of our body's internal environment — our 'terrain' — determines our probability for disease.

Let’s have a closer look into this.

Germ Theory – The Invaders:

This is the stuff we've all heard about – germs cause diseases, right?

Germ Theory says that tiny organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites cause a lot of sickness.

When these tiny and often invisible organisms invade the human body, they can multiply and interfere with normal bodily functions, leading to disease.

The implications of Germ Theory were profound and far-reaching.

It laid the foundation for modern microbiology and led to advancements in sterilization, va**ination, and antibiotics.

The discovery that microorganisms cause disease meant that controlling infection became a matter of controlling these organisms.

It led to practices like handwashing, sterilizing medical equipment, and pasteurizing food to kill bacteria.

But here's the twist: what if germs are just part of the story?

Like, yeah, they're there, but they're not the whole plot.

They’re the invaders, sure. And you can avoid a lot of nasty illnesses by just being hygienic.

And it saved a lot of life.

— But whether they conquer or not depends on the state of our inner world.

It’s just common sense.

When we speak about germs and fungi in nature, they are always labeled as the decomposers, the “police” of nature so to say.

If we apply this principle to us, which makes sense (because we are nature),

The police will only come to us if it has reasons.

Think about it for a second.

Terrain Theory – The Landscape of Our Bodies:

Now, let’s talk Terrain Theory.

This isn’t your typical biology lesson.

It's about how our body’s internal environment – the terrain – dictates our health.

It’s like saying, “If your inner landscape is vibrant rainforest, pathogens are less likely to take root.”

It's not just about fighting off invaders; it's about cultivating an environment where they can't survive.

Believing that this is true, we can take back our empowerment.

And it is not about believing that Germ theory is not true.

I think both applies.

As within, so without.

We already learned about this.

Why would you blindly believe the mainstream narrative,

and agree that the germs outside of you have all power to decide?

This goes against all eternal truths about sovereignty.


Response-ability; the ability to respond accordingly.

You always have power, even on the shortest of levers.

Holistic View – Embracing Paradoxes:

So, where does that leave us?

Well, in the realm of paradoxes.

It’s like the chicken and the egg scenario.

What comes first, the unhealthy terrain or the germs?

The truth often lies in embracing both sides.

It’s not about picking teams;

We need to understand how our internal environment interacts with external factors.

And by realizing our own powers, we get to take part in handling the situation

Because we know from Spider Man: With great power, comes great responsibility.

How does the Alchemist keeps a Healthy Balance?

Good question.

The Alchemist's Philosophy:

This philosophy can be metaphorically applied to modern understandings of health and balance.

They used herbal remedies.

They used balanced nutrition.

They emphasized the importance of mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Purification and detoxification, a common theme in alchemy, was key in maintaining health.

You can use the 4 Elements Fire, Earth, Air & Water to establish a framework to check your balance regarding health.

A great Framework that focuses on the four elements in relation to our daily life is “the last four doctors you will ever need” system by Paul Chek.

We often look outward for guidance – doctors, therapists, nutritionists.

But what if I told you that the most insightful health advisors are already within you?

This is the core idea behind Paul Chek's system, "The Last 4 Doctors You'll Ever Need".

1. Dr. Happiness (Air)

Establish your connection to the Breath of Life:

This doctor emphasizes the importance of emotional and mental health.

Dr. Happiness helps us discover what truly brings us joy and fulfillment.

He encourages us to choose things that make us happy.

Do the Wim Hof Breathing Exercise to improve your lung capacity and oxygenate your body.

The 'Iceman' himself developed this method. It involves controlled, deep breathing.

This breathing helps regulate your body's response to stress and strengthens your immune system.

By mastering your breath, you're not just inhaling air; you're absorbing vitality.

Having high levels of oxygen in your blood has many health benefits.

These include having an alkaline pH level and elevated dopamine levels.

2. Dr. Quiet (Water)

Hydrate with Rich Waters:

This doctor teaches us the value of rest and introspection.

Dr. Quiet shows us how stillness can heal and why it's important to get good sleep and relax, even in a busy world.

Water is the source of all life, and keeping yourself well-hydrated is key to good health.

But let's add a twist – infuse your water with electrolytes by adding a pinch of sea salt.

This isn't your regular table salt; sea salt contains trace minerals that help balance your body's pH and improve hydration.

When you drink water with electrolytes, every cell in your body gets hydrated and works well.

And you actually keep the water in your body, because the salt is a water binder.

3. Dr. Diet (Earth)

Opt for an Antiseptic Diet:

The provider of nourishment.

As the name suggests, this doctor focuses on nutrition. In times of health crises, consider fasting or at least simplifying your diet.

Give your organs a rest.

Your body will need the energy, normally spend on digesting heavy food, to heal your system.

Incorporate natural antiseptics like onions, garlic, and ginger.

These gifts from the earth are not only tasty, but they also contain compounds that naturally fight bacteria and viruses.

Try the tincture 'Väterchen Frost Bündel' to boost your immune health and protect yourself from illnesses (for my german readers).

It's made from a blend of herbs that supports your recovery process.

4. Dr. Movement (Fire)

Manage Your Hot Seat:

Physical activity, this doctor is about the significance of movement in any form.

Dr. Movement is finding ways to make physical activity part of our daily routine. It should be exciting and fun.

The element of warmth and energy.

If you have a fever, focus on managing it rather than increasing it.

If you have a cold, keep key areas like your solar plexus, neck, and feet warm.

Do gentle exercises that generate heat without overexerting your body.

Choose movements that use less energy than they produce and keep your heart rate moderate.

This helps maintain an internal balance and keep your 'inner fire' warm enough.

What do we Take with Us?

In conclusion, the true Alchemist knows when to yo use which element in which portion.

This is the secret of the first principle of the Tarot, the archetype of the Magician.

He is in posession of the Wand, the Coin, the Sword and the Cup; representing all 4 elements.

You can compare it to Aang, the main character in the series "Avatar: The Last Airbender"

In this world, people have the ability to control Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

The story is about Aang, who is the Avatar and is still young and unsure about his role.

He goes on a journey to learn how to control all four elements.

He wants to bring peace to a world that is filled with war and conflict.

Near the end of the series, Aang feels very anxious about facing his final opponent. In a scene, he meets a large Lion Turtle.

The Lion Turtle gives Aang a mysterious message. The message tells Aang how to defeat Firelord Ozai without killing him. Aang will have to fight Ozai in this final battle.

The Lion turtle told a story of old times before there was element bending.

That before the elements, we only bent our own inner energy.

For that to be possible,

”Your spirit has to be immovable”.

Aang managed to gain control over Firelord Ozais inner Energy and by doing so, removed the ability to firebend from him.

That has to be the attitude towards sickness when you get a slice hint of getting sick.

Your spirit and conviction has to be immovable.

Again, if you are already sick, rest.

But if you feel like it’s starting, during the incubation phase, get your elemental balance in order.

You have to be convinced that you are strong.

That your immune system is capable.

Quantum Mechanics – Observer and the Observed:

Quantum theory, especially this experiment from the Weizmann Institute,

blows the lid off everything.

it shows us that the observer influences a given situation by observing it.

Now, apply that to health.

Our perception, our beliefs, our focus – they shape our reality, including our health.

It’s not hocus-pocus; it’s quantum physics.

The analogy to this quantum phenomenon shows its symptoms in the Placebo Effect.

And this core principles has been studied over the years.

This is the first step towards a solid foundation of inner strength and resilience.

Everything else can come after that.

But if this conviction is not in place, nothing will really help.

This is the essence of the Placebo effect.

Let Thy Spirit Dominate Matter!

Now you have essembled alchemical knowledge about elementary school topics.

You can use your powers like a magician, to bend your reality to your rules.

This is the beatiful paradox of our universe.

If we fully accept the rules that have been given to us;

Like fire is hot.

Wether you like it or not.

You can now use it to it’s full extend.

You don’t expect fire to be water.

Thereby, you learn to use the elements around you, for what they are.

Let thy spirit dominate matter.


Obesity Rates Skyrocket: https://scrippsnews.com/stories/obesity-rates-worldwide-climbing/

As Within, So Without: https://thejodyholland.medium.com/as-within-so-without-986d35ca2a42

”Väterchen Frost” Bündel: https://www.kasimirlieselotte.de/shop/Vaeterchen-Frost-fuer-Erwachsene-kaufen

”The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need” by Paul Chek: https://shop.chekinstitute.com/en-eu/products/the-last-4-doctors-youll-ever-need-ebook

Lion Turtle Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqNL812FUo4

Quantum Experiment (Weizmann Institute, 1998) https://idw-online.de/de/news391

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